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Sunroof removal
Sprytny - 27/4/10 at 08:45 PM

I am trying to remove a sunroof off a Toyota Camry. What is the correct procedure for this: I have worked through the Haynes manual on this, but it is very unhelpful. Should the roof be open on removal for example.

Also, with the interior, there are a few screws that I can't remove. What can I do to remove them: I tried WD40, and I am a little apprehensive using heat as there is interior trim in the way.


turbodisplay - 28/4/10 at 07:05 AM

Is the gears stripped for the motor? Seems a common toyota problem.


Sprytny - 28/4/10 at 09:10 PM

There is nothing wrong with the sunroof at present; I am breaking the car, and I wish to remove the sunroof.

There are seized bolts; tried WD40 but to no avail. I want to use a blow torch, but there is cloth lining around it and obviously I don't want to damage this...