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Author: Subject: OT - Please carry a donor card

posted on 1/10/10 at 01:34 PM Reply With Quote
OT - Please carry a donor card

Hi Folks

Thought I'd share a recent experience with you all on this autumn day.

My wife has just had a successful Kidney and Pancreas transplant. The operation took place recently and after 9 days in hosptial she is now starting the recovery stage at home. It will change her life completely and also our family's life too. No dyalisis, no insulin injections, the list goes on. The enormity of this is only now just sinking in.

It's better than any lottery win or first (legal) drive in your kit.

The care she received was outstanding, world class. The NHS is truely a wonderful organisation.

Obviosuly this was a stressful couple of weeks and our thoughts are constantly with the donor and their very brave family, we cannot imagine what they are going through right now.

But please consider organ donation if you have not already done so. As we know how much this can make a real difference.

I hope this has not offended anyone but just wanted to share this with you and hopefully someone else may benefit like we have done.


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posted on 1/10/10 at 01:53 PM Reply With Quote
Glad to hear your Missus is doing well Rich!

One of my best mates had an organ transplant a few years back. I'd always been open to letting anyone have anything of mine that they needed after my death, but his situation convinced me to make my wishes more 'formal' so there is no misunderstanding as to what they can take from me!

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posted on 1/10/10 at 02:03 PM Reply With Quote
Best wishes to you mate and your wife mate, I am sure she'll make a speed recovery

I was very close to needing a bone marrow transplant, and because of my chemo i am no longer able to be a donor for blood or organs.

I would love to have the opportunity to be a bone marrow donor, so as well as carrying a donor card please everyone register as a bone marrow donor.

Its only a blood test required to get on the register. If you are selected as a match the procedure is relatively straightforward and nowhere near as harrowing or unpleasant as everyone says. I'd be happy to talk anyone through it if you like.

[Edited on 1/10/10 by liam.mccaffrey]

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posted on 1/10/10 at 02:16 PM Reply With Quote
Keep meaning to do this, will have to get down to the doctors and request thr forms or whatever it if you need.
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posted on 1/10/10 at 02:37 PM Reply With Quote
Glad to hear you wife is recovering.

Have carried my donor card for 20 + years.

No need to go to the doctors, you can register online, they will then send you a card and you can then become a bone marrow donor.



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posted on 1/10/10 at 02:41 PM Reply With Quote
best wishes to you and your wife.i carry a donor card, and also donate blood on a regular basis,i am on the anthony nolan bone marrow register as well.i think everyone should do as much as they can to save anothers never know ,you could need saving one day.
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posted on 1/10/10 at 03:11 PM Reply With Quote
As said above you can register as an organ donor on line here

It only takes a couple of mins'.


"A witty saying proves nothing" Voltaire

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posted on 1/10/10 at 03:11 PM Reply With Quote
Glad your wife is on the mend.
The thought of giving blood and marrow gives me the shudders*. And same with organ donor cards too. But I know its something I should do. So I'm going to make a real effort to do all of the above soon.

*yes I know that sounds like a stupid excuse not to have done it, but thats the only way I can explain it. Its not being squeemish its.... I don't know. But I'll forget all about that and get my act sorted out. Promise.

Dutch bears have terrible skin due to their clogged paws

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posted on 1/10/10 at 03:37 PM Reply With Quote
Good to hear she's on the road to a much improved quality of life.

I'm in the same boat as Liam with not being allowed to donate, but I don't think anyone could be offended by being asked.

The NHS is a strange organisation, if you've got anything serious they tend to be very good, quick and efficient. Have something that's not life threatening and they don't seem nearly so 'joined up'.

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.

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posted on 1/10/10 at 03:56 PM Reply With Quote
Always thought you should opt out of being a donor not opt in I spose civil liberties etc come to play here. But I'm sure those that dont offer to donate wouldnt say no if the tables were turned and they were to benefit.
Glad your missus is doing well and condolences to the donors family.

I used to be a Werewolf but I'm alright nowwoooooooooooooo

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posted on 1/10/10 at 07:09 PM Reply With Quote
Hi Rich , That's good - gives faith in human nature and also proves the donor system is working.
I signed up as a blood donor as a hungry student- they knew what they were doing giving away toffee Yo Yos- and I've just booked an appointment after getting a reminder for next Friday night for my 47th donation, the old green driving licence which I still carry has an organ donor declaration on it - has this been carried over to photo versions?
All the best to your missus and hope her recovery is rapid.

[Edited on 1/10/10 by trextr7monkey] (cut and paste this dodgey link)

Our most recent pics are here:

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posted on 1/10/10 at 08:18 PM Reply With Quote
Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and wishes. Life certainly looks like it's on the up rather it being the other way around for more years than I care to mention. It's still difficult when you think of all the people who are still going to be stuck on dialysis for years to come. I just saw one of my wife's friend's who has been on the transplant list for 10 years (albiet that he has already had one successful transplant that failed after about 13 years) and still waiting for the call. It was hard to know what to say but all the fellow patients are very pleased for my wife. My wife herself had 3 dry run calls so for her it was 4th time lucky.

My wife was a diabetic for 33 years and she still can't stop thinking about hypo's and injections....

Engine transplants are good (I could watch these all day) but they can't beat an organ transplant which I could never watch as I'm sure I'd pass out!

Have a great weeken all, I know we will.


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posted on 1/10/10 at 09:48 PM Reply With Quote
Rich, I wish your wife and you all the best and it is good that another person believed that organ donation was right.

I do not wish to cause any offence to you or anybody else by what I am about to express.
I do not believe in organ donation and unfortunately because of my medication I am unable to be a blood donor. It may appear that I'm contradicting myself but it is my feelings and that is that. If I had to make the decision to save the life of one of my family by making an organ donation I would not hesitate. I don't know why I feel this way; could be from the old adage of 'blood is thicker than water'.


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posted on 4/10/10 at 04:38 PM Reply With Quote
Personally I don't understand why anyone would have a problem with organ donation, I mean you're dead already what are you going to do with them?

Once I'm dead they can have anything that still works

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posted on 4/10/10 at 04:38 PM Reply With Quote
Personally I don't understand why anyone would have a problem with organ donation, I mean you're dead already what are you going to do with them?

Once I'm dead they can have anything that still works

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posted on 4/10/10 at 04:39 PM Reply With Quote
Personally I don't understand why anyone would have a problem with organ donation, I mean you're dead already what are you going to do with them?

Once I'm dead they can have anything that still works

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posted on 4/10/10 at 04:39 PM Reply With Quote
Personally I don't understand why anyone would have a problem with organ donation, I mean you're dead already what are you going to do with them?

Once I'm dead they can have anything that still works

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