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IE Locking up ?
TimEllershaw - 1/6/12 at 05:24 PM

Is anybody else having problems with this site causing Internet Explorer to lock up ?

Seems to load the pages OK, but then hangs. I have to kill it with task manager. Getting more frequent over the last few days.

It looks like it may be while trying to load adverts, or something from Google in the background.

( Seems OK in Firefox )



Ben_Copeland - 1/6/12 at 07:39 PM

Mines ok IE9

mark chandler - 1/6/12 at 08:50 PM

I,m on ie7, mine locks up on pages with lots of pictures, same for the g/f, I recon a recent update from microsoft has screwed it all up.

Definately not just this forum.

loggyboy - 1/6/12 at 09:38 PM

My ie 9 has been doing this for a last week or 2. both at home and work. LCB seems to be worst hit.

loggyboy - 2/6/12 at 07:16 AM

Seems to be fine on IE 8 on my desktop, and on my phone using Opera. Very strange.

big_wasa - 2/6/12 at 07:30 AM

ie9 and I was thinking the laptop is on its last legs or a virus its that bad...

David Jenkins - 2/6/12 at 09:17 AM

Have you (i.e. the ones with the problem) tried using a different browser, such as Firefox or Chrome? It would be interesting to see how they compare.

RichardK - 2/6/12 at 11:21 AM

Yeh I tried Chrome just the same, firefox is all good though.




aka_shortie - 2/6/12 at 11:57 AM

Since my last update, i keep getting the same with IE and Opera

PeteS2k - 29/6/12 at 05:08 PM

Getting frequent lock-ups recently on IE8 at work and IE9 at home... seems to be waiting for a 'google ads' element to load up a lot of the time, I think, but just freezes the whole site.

PeteS2k - 24/7/12 at 11:16 AM

Seems to be getting worse... The annoying thing is with IE8, I have to close the whole program to get rolling again. At least with IE9, I can just close the relevant tab if I've more than one open. IE8 is difinitely indicating it's waiting for a Google ads element when locked.

I'd blame it on the works firewall, if it wasn't happening at home too!

Agriv8 - 24/7/12 at 11:30 AM

Same here yes I am getting it alot of problems at work with ie 8.06 to the point where it is just about un-usable
but works ok 'at work' with Fire Fox 13.0.1
at home/mobile Ie. 10.0.8400 is OK on laptop.

ATB Agriv8

ChrisW - 24/7/12 at 11:25 PM

I've been having this problem with other forums but not LB. Strange. Seems to be IE only though, not firefox.


blakep82 - 24/7/12 at 11:49 PM

I've been having problems like this for about a year now.
2GB of memory, 3 tabs on IE8 open, and i keep getting virtual memory low, and 2GB of page file use, each tab using about 500MB of memory.
I'm putting it down to adverts on web pages getting far too complicated.
i also noticed it happening not long after i got a pretty grim virus, but this was about the time i started using facebook. windows (xp btw) completely reinstalled, and not really much better.
so more complex adverts (especially on FB) are where i'm pointing the finger

ChrisW - 24/7/12 at 11:52 PM

Facebook and IE have real issues with one another I find. I believe it's down to the sheer volume of client-side stuff going on (as opposed to LB which is ALL server side)


britishtrident - 25/7/12 at 06:25 AM

Originally posted by aka_shortie
Since my last update, i keep getting the same with IE and Opera [/quote

Opera is really IE in fancy dress it depends on the under the bonnet bits of IE to work.
The Windows versions of Chrome & Firefox are (almost) completely independent of IE

britishtrident - 25/7/12 at 06:37 AM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
Have you (i.e. the ones with the problem) tried using a different browser, such as Firefox or Chrome? It would be interesting to see how they compare.

Yes it astonishes me that anybody still uses IE it is one of those MS products that seems to get a little bit worse with every version. Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape has been my main browser since before IE even existed but these days I am increasingly using Chrome.

loggyboy - 25/7/12 at 09:29 AM

Originally posted by britishtrident
Originally posted by David Jenkins
Have you (i.e. the ones with the problem) tried using a different browser, such as Firefox or Chrome? It would be interesting to see how they compare.

Yes it astonishes me that anybody still uses IE it is one of those MS products that seems to get a little bit worse with every version. Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape has been my main browser since before IE even existed but these days I am increasingly using Chrome.

Ive never got on with anything other than IE, and pretty sure that IE9 has been fairly well reviewed throughtout the industry, it seems they have caught up.

I no longer have any problems on this or any other site on IE9 at work (win7pro), but IE9 at home on my netbook (win7starter), crashes quite often, on LCB mainly but occasionly on other sites.

Johneturbo - 31/7/12 at 03:00 PM

Ditto with the Google ad thingy everytime it hangs that is trying to load?