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Look at tubes on this frame!
Rod Ends - 3/8/12 at 10:12 PM

Carbon fibre grid

[Edited on 3/8/12 by Rod Ends]

skydivepaul - 3/8/12 at 11:02 PM

pretty sweet.

i bet its bloody expensive to buy and also to repair when you crash into a pothole

maccmike - 3/8/12 at 11:29 PM


AndyGT - 4/8/12 at 03:49 AM

Originally posted by skydivepaul
pretty sweet.

i bet its bloody expensive to buy and also to repair when you crash into a pothole

Or buy the mtb version....

AndyGT - 4/8/12 at 03:59 AM

Road bike: 3,850 GBP for the frame direct from the US.

clanger - 4/8/12 at 07:22 AM

don't look too safe to me.......

the roadie might survive the odd pothole but I reckon a bit of rough and tumble on the MTB will result in its demise

I MTB in some rough stuff in the Afan forest and have had a few "offs" shall we say, that MTB would fold up like an A4 sheet of paper if it hit a rock or tree.

Not convinced............... more like a bit of a willy waving promanade posers bike

johnwilders - 4/8/12 at 07:29 AM

Aerodynamics must be crap, but its a tiny space frame we all know how strong they are.

mccsp - 4/8/12 at 07:42 AM

Forget breaking the bike! They look a nightmare to wash and keep clean!

black fingernail - 4/8/12 at 08:47 AM

Beutiful, didn't barnes wallace originally create this design for wellington bombers in wwII? i think he called it 'geodetic' or something like that, i hope the yanks dont claim to have "invented" this

black fingernail - 4/8/12 at 08:47 AM

Beutiful, didn't barnes wallace originally create this design for wellington bombers in wwII? i think he called it 'geodetic' or something like that, i hope the yanks dont claim to have "invented" this

MikeRJ - 4/8/12 at 08:51 AM

Originally posted by clanger
Not convinced............... more like a bit of a willy waving promanade posers bike

Agreed. even if it didn't break I suspect you'd end up with a pretty heavy frame after a session on some muddy trails

wylliezx9r - 4/8/12 at 10:29 AM

I wonder how much weight this design actually saves ?

vanepico - 4/8/12 at 01:59 PM

Don't be silly! When they do road races in the UK they recover the roads, so all the foreign competitors probably think every road is like that! And I can tell you there are some monster holes in littlehampton!

It'll be advanced composite matches in seconds!

gottabedone - 4/8/12 at 05:17 PM

you wouldn't want to come off and land on your frame - it would be like getting your nads cheese grated


Liam - 7/8/12 at 12:51 PM

Originally posted by johnwilders
Aerodynamics must be crap, but its a tiny space frame we all know how strong they are.

Yeah but we also know a monocoque, i.e. a simple tube in this case, is stronger If this frame has any real strength/weight advantages over a simple CF tube frame... I'll eat my hat. Expensive gimmick if you ask me, with loads of downsides - maintenance, aero, vulnerability to local damage, looks (imho)...

Benonymous - 13/8/12 at 11:31 AM

My mate Chris got cleaned up on his CF bike. The car hit him side on and the top tube snapped like a carrot. The broken end plunged into his thigh. It was pretty gruesome. I imagine this frame would make an even more graphic wound in similar circumstances.

I think this frame is just a case of we can build it! But it doesn't mean you should

roadrunner - 13/8/12 at 12:05 PM

It looks quite impressive, but the wheels are more impressive, there's no spokes.