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Help with new (BEC) engine install...!
twybrow - 28/8/11 at 07:28 PM

After 9 months, I finally got round today, to flicking the key on my ZX12 install... It turns over, but I am not getting any signs of firing...

Can you clever bunch gve me some tips on what to check... And where?!

I know an engine needs fuel, spark and compression, but the problem is, apart from the compression, there is a lot that could be affecting the other two!

How can I check that I am getting fuel (the fuel pump is definitely priming)....? Can I check the voltage at the injectors?
How can I check for spark? Can I check the voltage going to the coils as a way of telling?

I know these are basic questions, but right now, I'm not sure where to start!

Any other ideas of what to check/where to start?! Many thanks.

Andy B - 28/8/11 at 08:04 PM

Give me a bell on 01449 736633 on Tuesday, we have done a load of these installs and there are a number of issues that may cause you a problem so best discussing them on the phone - the ZX12 can be particularly tricky so I need a load more info to get to the bottom of your problem

twybrow - 28/8/11 at 08:36 PM

Thanks Andy...! I cant phone you Tuesday as I will be in Denmark for work, but I will give you a call as soon as I can next week!

Any other tips/suggestions as to where to start looking?

YQUSTA - 28/8/11 at 09:04 PM

If your not using the original ignition switch you may need a resistor to emulate it, Not the same engine but my zx9r 2000 needed it mate.

Also what about battery voltage when you are trying to turn it over as some bike ecu's don't like to be below a certain voltage, again may not apply to yours just something to start with.

Toprivetguns - 28/8/11 at 09:41 PM

Immobiliser, engine stop switch, clutch switch. Give Andy a call, thats your best bet.

twybrow - 28/8/11 at 10:01 PM

Resistor (100ohm) on the grey wire running from the old locks to the ECU - check...
Battery voltage - battery has had a full recharge, and was happy cranking quote a few times...

Interlocks all bypassed by sending to earth - check. (also - I dont think it will even turn over if the interlocks are still on)

How do people check for a spark an d for fuel on a F/I engine? It has no HT leads, so no point looking for a fat spark... Check the coils (stick coils) instead?
And fuel? Visible by looking down the trumpets as I crank? Smell? Voltage at injectors?


Peteff - 28/8/11 at 10:12 PM

You can still take a plug out and put it in a coil cap and test it against the block for a spark.

angliamotorsport - 29/8/11 at 07:41 AM

Hi there, Andy has just done zx10r in my van diemen, he is the man, belive me, it could be more than a bit tricky and you could end up spending ages trying to get the engine to run.

As far as I am concerned it would be worth taking it to him, he will do a super job, won't give up and will get it to run.

twybrow - 29/8/11 at 08:10 AM

But he is miles away.... Wherever I am in the country I always seem to live miles from anyone I can take my car to...!

angliamotorsport - 29/8/11 at 08:25 AM

Yes he is miles away from you, but next door there is B&B so you could get the car sorted and enjoy the lovely suffolk countrysdie aswell, bonus and that is free.

Seriously, you should think about it, yes there are probably guys you may find that say yeh, I can do that, cost money and job still not done properly.

Phoenix-Rob - 29/8/11 at 08:41 AM

Andy helped me get my ZX12 running over the phone ( I live even further away )
I have an early type ecu and later type engine so had to alter the position of the cam sensor trigger thingy then it fired up straight away.
Give him a ring he is very helpful, shame he is the wrong side of the country ( for us anyway! )


Johneturbo - 29/8/11 at 09:54 AM

I had an issue when i tried to first start the 14, everything was ready to start it. turned out to be the resistor was out of tolerance. worth checking it or trying another....i spent a couple days trying things before that DOH

if you do search under my name it will come up with the thread

twybrow - 29/8/11 at 01:01 PM

Hi Johne - I will check the resistor, as that seems a simple check and fix! I will also check, and check again that all the wires I meant to connect up are indeed connected. Plus I will double check earths...

The engine kit all came out of one bike, so hopefully no compatibility issues!

Can anyone confirm - as the engine turns over, and the fuel pump is priming, it isn't an interlock issue, or an ECU issue? I cant hear the ECU relay clicking, but the wiring to the relay is showing the correct voltage AFAIK...

I really wanted it running to take down to my wedding in 4 weeks time (amazing roads in Cornwall), but it is looking increasingly unlikely...

twybrow - 29/8/11 at 02:24 PM

I just been out in the garage, and dug out the wire with the resistor on it... According to my meter, it is an 80ohm resistor! That could certainly be the issue!

Edited due to being a muppet measuring a resistor whilst it is in a circuit... It was a 100ohm resistor, as are the other 10 I bought from Maplins today...

[Edited on 29/8/11 by twybrow]

Hellfire - 29/8/11 at 08:26 PM

Any chance it could be the tilt sensor?


twybrow - 29/8/11 at 08:30 PM

Problem sorted and engine started for all of about 1.5s!

I had the feed and return lines around the wrong way... As soon as I changed them, it pretty much fired straight away! I cant believe me wiring was actually ok...! I might need to go and try it again to make sure it wasn't a fluke!

Thanks for your help people!