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V-Storm see's the light of day
Mr C - 2/9/12 at 07:56 PM

Extricated my v-storm over the weekend from its build spot, out of some patio doors in a summerhouse down some decking across two gardens and over a raised flower bed then onto a driveway. had a bit of a blat before putting it on the lowloader to take it to its new home, pretty pleased witth how its running, boosting hard and making all the right noises, pops, bangs, whistles, etc. Still got the dreaded IVA but hey ho, going to trackday next weekend to give it a bit of a shakedown and no doubt frighten myself.

Just another big thanks to all those who helped and contributed from the forum in getting over some of the problems I've had, Eddie and Russ especially.

Images below from the weekend.

striker-4age - 2/9/12 at 08:04 PM

that looks the shizzzzzzzzzzzzz !!!! i need one

how much ? and what is the engine ?

look like a mini atom

big_wasa - 2/9/12 at 08:14 PM

hmmmm 3 seats are the magic number

Dualist - 2/9/12 at 08:25 PM

That looks bloody nice..!!!
More details please ..!!!

Mr C - 2/9/12 at 08:39 PM

Cheers all, thanks for the great comments. Unfortunately its not low cost. though the next build will be because I'm spent out! Approx £20,000 to build, factory buit are around £24,000. Depends how big you go with the spec. It runs an Impreza turbo lump mid mounted so the worlds your oyster with power potential and cost. I've used a uk spec engine , output approx 220bhp, car weighs 740kg approx and its geared for 150/160mph with a uk spec gearbox and long 5th gear. I've a later spec engine and a box of forged parts as well as a big turbo for a 350bhp install The gearbox goes bang with too much more in "standard impreza"

I treated myself to a race technology dash as I think they are the nuts but again not cheap once you get the senders and wiring etc. other than that I've left it pretty much standard with a view to tinkering with it once buit.

I've had a couple of little blats in it and tbh, 220bhp is plenty for me at the moment. I might put the spare engine in my next project.

Taken 2 years to build, as there was a lot of waiting for parts as its a relatively new kit to the market and it is my first build (and nearly my last!)

Thats about it really.

blakep82 - 2/9/12 at 09:14 PM

Originally posted by Mr C
Extricated my v-storm over the weekend from its build spot, out of some patio doors in a summerhouse down some decking across two gardens and over a raised flower bed then onto a driveway. had a bit of a blat before putting it on the lowloader to take it to its new home

you're not that geezer off kit car crisis are you?! lol
looks awesome! back right wheel looks a funny angle though? kinda straight on to the camera, where the car's not

Mr C - 3/9/12 at 06:43 AM

Originally posted by blakep82
Originally posted by Mr C
Extricated my v-storm over the weekend from its build spot, out of some patio doors in a summerhouse down some decking across two gardens and over a raised flower bed then onto a driveway. had a bit of a blat before putting it on the lowloader to take it to its new home

you're not that geezer off kit car crisis are you?! lol
looks awesome! back right wheel looks a funny angle though? kinda straight on to the camera, where the car's not

Nope thank fook, I've finished my car and I can drive it as well, imo I'm not a bellend either

The toe settings on all wheels needs to be sorted, next job on the list before next weekend.

Daddylonglegs - 3/9/12 at 07:14 AM

That is one nice looking motor!

Not locost, but nice

orton1966 - 9/9/12 at 06:22 AM

I’ve always loved both the look and concept of the V-Storm, plus let me congratulate you on a good looking build, you should rightly be very proud.

The only nagging doubt I have on these cars is rollover protection for the driver. In the very unlikely event something bad did happen, the passengers are quite well protected (but you might be on your own) yet the driver is relatively exposed

Sorry not trying to take anything away from your great build

40inches - 9/9/12 at 09:17 AM

Originally posted by Mr C
Taken 2 years to build,

Can't be anywhere near finished then

Mr C - 9/9/12 at 02:01 PM

Originally posted by 40inches
Originally posted by Mr C
Taken 2 years to build,

Can't be anywhere near finished then

Yes you are right, at the very least I've got to make it IVA proof. I've plans for a 350bhp engine to go in it at some stage also.

Mr C - 17/9/12 at 12:47 PM

Another image taken at castle Coombe recently omly managed one lap because the gremlins struck The car was well recieved though and got alot of attention throughout the day, (including the scrutineers!)

sdh2903 - 17/9/12 at 01:36 PM

Lovely looking car and hope you get the gremlins sorted, as previously said though the drivers head looks very exposed should the worst happen and end up the wrong way up.

[Edited on 17/9/12 by sdh2903]

Mr C - 17/9/12 at 01:50 PM

Originally posted by sdh2903
Lovely looking car and hope you get the gremlins sorted, as previously said though the drivers head looks very exposed should the worst happen and end up the wrong way up.

[Edited on 17/9/12 by sdh2903]

Thanks, I'm a big bloke 6"4" over 22stone at the moment, long legs, short arms, so whilst the seat is quite far back it is tilted forward somewhat to accomodate my short arms, hence me looking quite high in the car. All I can say is that I don't feel particulary exposed in the car, I don't propose to do any serious track work so intend to keep it right side up. For those concerned with the driver safety I would suggest you sit in one first and then make your mind up if you haven't done so already

sdh2903 - 17/9/12 at 02:16 PM

I wasn't having a pop, I think we all intend to keep our cars the right way up. However in my eyes that is pretty unsafe, there is no rollover protection for the driver.

Mr C - 17/9/12 at 02:33 PM

Originally posted by sdh2903
I wasn't having a pop, I think we all intend to keep our cars the right way up. However in my eyes that is pretty unsafe, there is no rollover protection for the driver.

Regardless whether you are having a pop or not I really couldn't give a fuck, my answer would be the same anyhow, what I don't like, are arseholes acting like a dog with a bone, you made your point first time around I made a constructive response so move on, end of.

maccmike - 17/9/12 at 02:36 PM


sdh2903 - 17/9/12 at 02:44 PM

My apologies I thought this was an open forum for open opinions, don't think there's any need for that response.

jonabonospen - 17/9/12 at 04:16 PM

The car looks fantastic. A pretty expensive car though. Good work though nevertheless.

bi22le - 17/9/12 at 05:02 PM

I had a good sniff around these at the shows and I do like them.

3 seats, potentially BIG power and looks different.

Good work and happy days.

Cost is relative to budget. There will be people out there spunking twice your build cost on a factory car half the speed!!!

Regarding the roll over protection. Im Mr Average in height and weight and have a full understanding in my Striker that if it rolls I will bang my head regardless of how tight my harnesses are.

If anybody is driving a se7en without (and sometimes with a badly designed) a full roll cage then the chances are, you roll, you will bang your head.

If you have a bash hat then your as good as you can get, Im more worried about my arms going all over the place. If the builder was that bothered he would get a custom full cage for it. If you dont like the protection he has got then dont ask to drive his car!!

How many kit cars roll? The only one I have seen was on a vid a few months back when he clipped a rock and cartwheeled down the cliff, he walked away.

sdh2903 - 17/9/12 at 05:27 PM

To the original OP and Bizzle, you guys need to chill out a little. Me too am of the opinion that this is a very nice car, i like the 3 seat Idea and I like the unlimited tuning options available with the scoob engine. I merely showed a concern for a potential safety issue. Yes I know that these cars rarely roll but IT Does happen. I expressed this concern as an opinion alone and basically got told I was an arsehole.

If this is how the forum is going then its not the place it used to be where people cast and get opinions on their builds. I learned a hell of a lot from posting pictures and people telling me where I was going wrong. I didn't get the arse and start insulting people.


scootz - 17/9/12 at 05:49 PM

Agreed... I have my own opinions on who is coming across as the 'arsehole' here and it wasn't you Steve!

me! - 17/9/12 at 06:18 PM

Originally posted by scootz
Agreed... I have my own opinions on who is coming across as the 'arsehole' here and it wasn't you Steve!


Mr C - 17/9/12 at 08:11 PM

There's a fine balance between offering a constructive opinion and giving ill informed misplaced views that are not valued. In this case I started the thread to share my achievement and thank those that have assisted me along the way. Whlst I expected the odd view thrown in. I didn't ask for any specific opinions on the car. The point about driver safety has come up twice in this thread and Bizzle answered it well and thats exactly where I came from too. I responded to Steve's commented in a positive manner even putting a smiley on my response indicating I wasn't having a go back. The message being I'm a big bloke above average build so the issue looks worse than it would be with Mr Average in it.

Steve your response repeated the same issue, and was not considered in light of the point I had just made which was done with postive and helpful intent. you also asumed I was irritated, which at that point I was not.

I haven't got any time for the "Nevilles" of this community, anal retentive wierdy beardy rivet counter trainspotter types and those that post for the sake of their post count. None add anything worthwhile to the orignal intent of any thread's and they are the people which let this forum down (in my opinion of course)

I'm not responding any further to this thread as its giving the keyboard warriors and trolls something to play with. Thanks to those that have contributed and commented postively, it is much appreciated. and Bizzle, hopefully our paths will cross one day in Kent