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Side Marker Lights
WesBrooks - 17/12/15 at 08:54 AM


Will be starting the detailed plans for my loom for my Discovery re-body project. It doesn't require an IVA (no chassis mods), but I'm building to IVA standard so if I do decide to swap engine or chop overhang at a later date it won't be a problem.

M1 Inspection manual states words along the line of 'Must be switched on and off by the opperation of one switch'. Does this have to be only the side markers or can this one switch also control the front and rear position (normally called side lights by drivers but that would be confusing in this context!) lights?

I'll be going for LED lights and contious that as there are pointing directly forward and rear side visability may be limited.



loggyboy - 17/12/15 at 09:06 AM

As i read it side markers can only be used on vehicles under 6m to supplement the angles of visibility for the front/rear position lamps. So assuming the standard lamps do meet the angles, you shouldnt have them anyway.
But as you dont need IVA i cant see why its a concern.
I can understand wanting to apply the parts of IVA that make a car safer. But a few lights and how they are switched, providing you are happy they dont make it 'unsafe' or a danger to others then do what you like how you like!

WesBrooks - 17/12/15 at 10:24 AM

Fair point on the note: "In addition, on M1 vehicles less than 6 m in length, side-marker lamps may be used, if they supplement the angles of visibility requirements of front position lamps or rear position lamps where the obligatory lamps do not meet." So where the visibility of the position lights are good enough then they may actualy have a problem with them being fitted.

My build will be making use of suitably e-marked LED lights. LED lights can be more directional than bulbs, and the front and rear posision lights will be pointing directly forward and back. I'm not going to be able to know for sure if the position lights alone will be visible enough until I'm a way down the build process. If I can wire these in directly with the left and right hand position light circuits then it will just require a little extra allowance on the relay, fusing, and wiring. Probably not enough to shift it up a fuse size, and hense have no effeect on wiring requirements of the shared feed. If however the side markers need to be on a different switch this is a far more awkward proposition.

I think that on the same switch as the positions is still opperating with one switch, it just so happens that that switch is switching two things. I'd like a little assurance that this is ok from an IVA stand point. Realise this is rarely a consideration for Lotus 7 like builds!

[Edited on 17/12/15 by WesBrooks]

[Edited on 17/12/15 by WesBrooks]

WesBrooks - 17/12/15 at 10:55 AM

Looking at the angles of visability diagrams there is no requirement to see any lights from 90 degrees from the side of the vehicle?

Edit: other than side repeater. I mean no requirement to see head lights or positional lights.

[Edited on 17/12/15 by WesBrooks]

loggyboy - 17/12/15 at 12:48 PM

Requirement is to see front position to 80degrees from front. if that was obscured so that it was say 70 (by it being in a recessed cluster for example), then the side marker could then be used to supplement.

WesBrooks - 17/12/15 at 01:17 PM there is no requirement to see a car from the side?

I think if there not visable from 90 degrees about 5-10 meters from the side I'll add them.

Regarding part of my orginal question regarding the switch I think the intention is it shouldn't be multiple switches to turn all of the markers on, such as one for the front left, rear left, etc. One switch turns them all on, rather than one switch must control the side markers and nothing else.