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Bolt ratings
vinny1275 - 8/6/08 at 04:24 PM

Afternoon all,

Looking again at some of the bolts we had with the kit for the suspension, they're not stamped with 8.8 or anything I'd recognise as a rating on them (eep!). They are stamped with some stuff - most have a triangular arrangement of lines at the outside edge of the bolt head, and have something else stamped on them - either JH, SE, or L. Are these rated bolts, and are they OK for the wishbones?



givemethebighammer - 8/6/08 at 05:10 PM

Sound like imperial high tensile ones

vinny1275 - 8/6/08 at 06:02 PM

ta for the link, looks like they betwwen 8.8 and 9.8.

