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Cycle wing stays and cycle wings
Roman - 6/5/09 at 10:39 AM

I am on the look out for a pair of cycle wing stays preferably the Tiger ones to suit Cortina uprights, but what have you got.

Also a pair of cycle wings to suit 15" x 195 tyres, black preferred.

Daddylonglegs - 6/5/09 at 11:49 AM

I've got a pair of 8" cycle wings surplus to my requirements.

They are pale grey (apart from a test spray of my original choice of colour (Blue) before I had a change of plans.

I managed to get hold of a yellow pair (the new colour!) cheap so won't be using these now.

Not sure what P&P would be but I only want what I paid for them (£20). I can post a couple of piccies tonight if you're interested.


Roman - 6/5/09 at 12:25 PM

Could well be interested, piccys please.

Daddylonglegs - 6/5/09 at 12:57 PM

Will do when I get home.

Daddylonglegs - 7/5/09 at 08:58 PM

Roman, you have u2u

Roman - 7/5/09 at 09:43 PM

Thanks John.

Anyone else have any stays or cycle wings in black?

Trying to keep my options open.

tadltd - 7/5/09 at 11:42 PM

8.5" are £49 a pair, in black, inc. VAT. £7.50 delivery.

7.5" are £45 a pair, £7.00 delivery.

Mounts in development...

[Edited on 7/5/09 by tadltd]

Daddylonglegs - 8/5/09 at 07:32 AM


piccies now in my archive under 'For Sale'.
