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WTD: 2x SVA/IVA covers for 10mm nuts
Humbug - 4/10/11 at 08:00 AM

As subject - I need just 2 black covers for nuts that are 10mm across the flats. If anyone has got some spare that they could pop in an envelope so I don't have to buy a whole pack I would be grateful (I can PayPal you the cost of postage as a gift so you aren't out of pocket).



Lurch88 - 4/10/11 at 09:50 AM

Send me your adress and I will pop them in the post,
Have 4 I have a bag of the things and no car any more!!

Humbug - 4/10/11 at 09:55 AM

Lurch - thanks, you have U2U
