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WTD- Pinto dipstick.
MsD - 6/10/12 at 05:23 PM

Does anyone have a spare pinto dipstick lying about?
Mine had an altercation with a crankshaft and came off worse!

Its for a 1.6 but I don't think it matters..

Cheers, Mark.

MsD - 21/10/12 at 06:27 PM

Somebody must have one cluttering up the garage!

nogger827 - 22/10/12 at 07:13 PM

got 1 here mate but im miles away

theduck - 22/10/12 at 07:22 PM

Think I've got one in the garage you can have, possibly going to Bury at the weekend which if my georgraphys right isn't too far from you?

MsD - 22/10/12 at 10:16 PM

Burys about an hour away from me- so it'd be cheaper to post it!

Could either of you post it? I'll cover costs and a price you wanted for the part?

theduck - 23/10/12 at 07:50 AM

I'll double check what I have in the garage.

theduck - 23/10/12 at 07:59 PM

Had I have one but it seems to have some kin of sensor built in? Got a wire out the end with a plug on? Can get a picture if you want?

MsD - 12/1/13 at 09:36 PM

I've only just realised you replied! My old one didn't have a sensor on so I don't think it'll work- thanks anyway!

Has anyone got a conventional dipstick? Or the measurements so I can weld a new end on!
