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OT: Important Printer Problem
SALAD - 10/11/09 at 05:12 PM

As part of my dad's business, he prints transfers and uses the ALPS MD5000 & OKI DP5000 printers as these are the only (as far as we are aware) home printers that print white.

These printers are no longer produced and support for them is very limited (espicially in the UK).

My dad has three of these printers and a number of problems have arrisen.

Does anyone have any knowledge of these printers and can fix them or know where a service/repair manual can be found??
Alternatively, does anyone know of alternate home printers that can print white?

The problems are:
ALPS MD5000 Cartridge exchange problem
ALPS MD5000 Anti curl motor problem
OKI DP5000 Paper feed switch not operating on overlay print

Also the overlay print strips off undercoat on one ALPS printer and the OKI.

Fozzie - 10/11/09 at 05:31 PM

Linky thing


and OKI linky

[Edited on 10-11-09 by Fozzie]

SALAD - 10/11/09 at 05:47 PM

That's the kind of links I was hoping for Fozzie (sorry for posting in the wrong section).
Unfortunately the ALPS link doesn't have a manual for the MD5000 and the OKI link is user manuals not service/repair

Fozzie - 10/11/09 at 05:49 PM


SALAD - 10/11/09 at 05:53 PM

No, good effort Fozzie!
It's difficult to find anything for these printers. My dad sources the ink cartridges/reels from overseas as there really isn't the support over here.

MikeR - 10/11/09 at 05:56 PM

u2u me and keep doing it till i reply.

99% certain a bloke i work with (subcontracted to my company) is a fully qualified oki repair agent.

(he leads a team of hardware engineers for us - including fixing printers)

SALAD - 10/11/09 at 05:59 PM

Yes Mike, that's what we need! Good man
U2U in the pipeline......

fov - 10/11/09 at 09:24 PM

You could try BT Basilica Lynx Engage IT (or what ever they are called now). It used to be Lynx but BT bought them. Not cheap but very good.