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My email account has been hacked!
lewis - 2/9/11 at 10:59 AM

My email account has been hacked by some lowlife online company,
everyone in my address book is getting emails from them sent from my email address can I stop this? do I do the same to them and bombard them with crap(I like getting even)

I have the website & there email address

Mr Whippy - 2/9/11 at 11:05 AM

could this be a virus? I thought some do this??

what's their website and email? I'm sure there's folk here who can send some helpful viruses to them. Even put their email address into all those free software sites or they may need plenty of offers such as Viagra

[Edited on 2/9/11 by Mr Whippy]

britishtrident - 2/9/11 at 11:09 AM

Strictly speaking it has not been hacked you have a virus on your PC that most likely came in on the an email.
When did you last update your anti-virus software and do a full system sweep?

Install decent anti-virus software such as Avira Premium and I would also suggest downloading and installing Mozilla Thunderbird and use that for EMail as it is more resistant to this sort of security breach.

[Edited on 2/9/11 by britishtrident]

MikeR - 2/9/11 at 11:15 AM

as i recall deliberately spamming someone is illegal under the millenium digital computer missuse something or other act.

and scarily its quite severe punnishment ....... before someone pipes up, yeah the people doing it to you are also breaking the rules but its far easier to prosecute someone in the uk who's just told the world what he wants to do.

Scan your pc, change all your passwords to something with captials and a number in them - perhaps replace 'i's with 1 and 'e's with 3 etc.

VanHaydn - 2/9/11 at 11:48 AM

Just change your password...
that sorts it..all my friends got the same virus sent from my machine....I also got banned from my favorite forumfor sending spam

CRAIGR - 2/9/11 at 12:32 PM

I seem to have a different problem in that i am getting email sent to me by apparently ME.
Both the sender and recipient are my email address. Usually its a link to some sort of sh*te. As far as i know noone else is getting them from the other ME at the moment. Would this be a virus too as i use adaware and did a full scan very recently?

[Edited on 2/9/11 by CRAIGR]

[Edited on 2/9/11 by CRAIGR]

lewis - 2/9/11 at 01:44 PM

The thing is I open my emails 99.9% on my I phone so don't think it's a virus on my pc but will do a full scan anyway & change passwords ect

Email my friend at

gaz_gaz - 2/9/11 at 01:53 PM

did i see your car on a trailer, A27 last week sometime?

lewis - 2/9/11 at 02:05 PM

Originally posted by gaz_gaz
did i see your car on a trailer, A27 last week sometime?

No mate mines not been on a trailer since last year

Mr Whippy - 2/9/11 at 02:35 PM

Originally posted by CRAIGR
I seem to have a different problem in that i am getting email sent to me by apparently ME.
Both the sender and recipient are my email address. Usually its a link to some sort of sh*te. As far as i know noone else is getting them from the other ME at the moment. Would this be a virus too as i use adaware and did a full scan very recently?

the answer is obvious

you are sleep emailing

bmseven - 2/9/11 at 04:10 PM

Originally posted by lewis
The thing is I open my emails 99.9% on my I phone so don't think it's a virus on my pc but will do a full scan anyway & change passwords ect

Email my friend at

Don't waste your time emailing, you will just find yourself's on mailing lists

It is quite likely it is not your machine that is infected but a friends, this is how it works

britishtrident - 2/9/11 at 04:53 PM

I would take the info on that web page with a very large pinch of salt.

Just to quote something from the original post " everyone in my address book " ---- unless the mail account is Hotmail/Gmail or similar the (I presume Outlook/Outlook Express) address book is on the PC concerned nowhere else , unless the mail account is Hotmail/Gmail or similar this would indicate the problem is on the PC.

An examination of the headers on one of the emails will show the path the email took, with an infected PC the first entry of the path would normally be an outgoing mail server of the original posters ISP or less likely an open mail relay.