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slingshot2000 - 20/7/12 at 03:36 PM

How many Group 4 Security Guards does it take to change a light bulb?

Four Soldiers and a Policeman.

scootz - 20/7/12 at 03:47 PM

gottabedone - 20/7/12 at 04:17 PM many as you like but none of them would turn up


smart51 - 20/7/12 at 05:57 PM

...3 soldiers and a policeman

austin man - 20/7/12 at 07:07 PM

We may laugh but we are a country where the unemployed are saying theres no work, Job centre Plus and training providers in the last feww years have funded thousands of SIA badges with only 20% or so being used by people who want to work the other 80% sit at hom all day smoking and drinkink your taxes.

Unfortunately the armed forces have been drafted in once again to bail us out Oh and they are having to sleep in empty warehouses on camp beds. Thats a nice return back to the UK after a tour of Afganistan or Iraq. Not a bad country when our armed forces are treated worse than Offenders.

Proud to be British Phah fed up of seing louts and scroungers take the P 155 and the tax man charging me for it

Slimy38 - 20/7/12 at 07:43 PM

Does anyone remember the last Group 4 Security fiasco, many years ago? From memory the standing joke was something like 'if you want to get out of jail, request a transfer with group 4 security'.

Just because they use their initials doesn't mean they're any better with security...

I have to admit though, I am flabbergasted that they couldn't find the people. OK, volunteer work does take a certain type of person to perform, but there was a good percentage of paid jobs. Personally if I was unemployed I'd have jumped at the chance just to potentially open up a new avenue of work.

austin man - 20/7/12 at 07:53 PM

some people unemployed should have been made to do it , I suppose I will be shot with Sh1 t in a moment, but we've made our troops do it." In a lot of instances those not working are receiving £150 a week if single and have rented accomodation that to workers on Minimum wage is 30 hours of graft. So please if there are any of the national defence league for those pretending to seek work are out there think about that £150 for doing nowt thats not a bad return is it.

Please do not be insulted by this if you are a genuine Jobseeker Im not having a go at you more the bunch of layabouts that are bleeding the country dry.