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First Time Pass At Nottingham
mac1ZR - 19/3/09 at 06:18 PM

Big thanks to Mark and Colin at Mac#1. First time pass at Nottingham, special thanks to Mark, for the tweeks required to secure the much sort after certificate.
Zx10R, with full cage weighed in at 460kg.

tomgregory2000 - 19/3/09 at 06:22 PM

well done

jacko - 19/3/09 at 06:23 PM


YQUSTA - 19/3/09 at 06:32 PM

well done looks a tidy motor

dean100yz - 19/3/09 at 06:42 PM

2nd that

light too!

IDONTBELEIVEIT - 19/3/09 at 07:05 PM

well done mate

speedyxjs - 19/3/09 at 07:11 PM

Originally posted by dean100yz
2nd that

3rd that. Love the colour scheme too

Johneturbo - 19/3/09 at 08:01 PM

Congrates on the pass
very good weight too

UncleFista - 19/3/09 at 09:19 PM

Better tie it down when the wind picks up

asn163 - 19/3/09 at 09:27 PM

Well done Chris/Mark, is this MAC number 3?

Been past the test centre a few times today, wonder I didn't. see you.



mac1ZR - 19/3/09 at 09:48 PM

yes thats number 3, number 4 now under construction, similar to no3, but white bodywork.

liamb - 19/3/09 at 09:51 PM

ok done, looks great.

I saw it in the factory a week or so ago, looks really nice.


omega0684 - 19/3/09 at 10:29 PM

thats an outrageous colour scheme! good on ya, well done on SVA pass

DarrenW - 19/3/09 at 10:33 PM

Well done. Congrats.

Do you have a loyalty card? Another 3 cars and you might get a free one About time Rich got his finger out and started another 2 builds

bigrich - 19/3/09 at 10:41 PM

Steady on Darren, I have too much on in my consultancy job as worx RR specialist, teaboy and unpaid helping hand.

That and my new project, believe it or not a BEB (bike engine bike) which when u open the throttle a little too far transforms into a BEU (bike engine unicycle)

DarrenW - 19/3/09 at 10:48 PM


Now why is it i immediately think back to that fateful day when you had a wee ride out on your kids bike.... and yet you get yourself that monster.

bigrich - 19/3/09 at 11:01 PM

Its a bit of a beast mate, 1200cc of muscle, attached to a front wheel full of helium to reduuce weight,

I will wear a helmet on this one, that and obviously have some insurance etc, well you wouldnt want a second ASBO would you

DarrenW - 19/3/09 at 11:41 PM

Originally posted by bigrich
Its a bit of a beast mate, 1200cc of muscle,

Are you describing yourself or the bike?
Sounds like a god donor for your next build.

The thought of such bikes scare me. I bet your missus isnt impressed. If i had a bike like that id have to laminate a pic of the kids and tape it to the handlebars. Ive never had a bike though so maybe im not qualified to comment.

A mate of mine had a similar bike. Was well scary. Spondon frame and heavily modded gixxer engine. He said it was extremely scary mid corner if it came on power.

bigrich - 19/3/09 at 11:56 PM

Ive never had a bike though so maybe im not qualified to comment

Do it Darren I bought this one in a drunken E Bay session, We had picture no sound for a while but ok now ISH!!!!

ash_hammond - 20/3/09 at 12:02 PM

Nice one, that would explain why i spotted the MAC#1 van with an empty transporter going back to the factory late last night.

They never waves tho.....

[Edited on 20/3/09 by ash_hammond]

filiperosa - 24/3/09 at 03:47 PM

Well done

davida - 24/3/09 at 07:29 PM

Great news! Another Mac1 on the road ;-)