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rpm-gauge on wasted spark
joscorstjens - 21/3/10 at 11:07 PM

I installed 'native' wasted spark on my Pinto (MS1 fuel and ignition). It works fine until I connect the rpm-gauge: no rpm-readout and wrong ignition. Did anyone try this? What is the proper setup (I used the triple diode setup as per the manual)? Does anyone have the schematics of an rpm-gauge?

turbodisplay - 22/3/10 at 07:47 AM

How is the gauge wrong?
Reading double?
A capacitor in the gauge input can affect the speed reading from the coil.


joscorstjens - 22/3/10 at 08:00 PM

There is no readout at all and the engine is running wrong (ignition-related somehow). A schematic of the internals of the tachometer would help.

MikeRJ - 22/3/10 at 09:34 PM

Do you definitely have the diodes the right way around, and the correct parts?

joscorstjens - 22/3/10 at 11:21 PM

I used the parts recommended in the megamanual and since the engine is running well when the tacho is disconnected, I think they are connected the right way.

MikeRJ - 23/3/10 at 05:05 PM

What tachometer are you using?

joscorstjens - 23/3/10 at 11:45 PM

just a traditional one, worked well when driven by the single ignition coil (there's no brand on it)