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R1 ignition leads
sdh2903 - 2/1/13 at 07:42 PM

On my last blast out before winter hibernation my carbed R1 engine developed a misfire when under load. I think the culprit is a slightly loose HT lead. I had to make up my own longer leads and to do so I pushed in the new lead into the coil with a bit of rapid araldite to stop it moving.

I suspect that the araldite is a little brittle for this. I had thought of using a little sikaflex to secure as its seems as though its good for everything else?

Or does anyone have any other solutions?


kwakkwak6 - 2/1/13 at 07:47 PM

Is the misfire on 1cyclinder or 2? If its on both could be a cool pack breaking down .also what colour is the plug/plugs that are causing the issue ?

sdh2903 - 2/1/13 at 08:01 PM

Just on one, as far as I can tell anyway. Spark plugs are all fine, very clean as they are only 200 miles old, very slight tan colour. I didn't really expect to see any evidence on the spark plugs as the misfire is only when under heavy acceleration (max vibration) which to me points to something working loose, at idle/normal pottering its fine.

renetom - 2/1/13 at 08:14 PM


Is the problem solved when you secure the lead ?
We had a similar problem on our carbed R1 & it turned out to be
poo poo in one of the carbs.
Good luck

sdh2903 - 2/1/13 at 08:22 PM

Carbs have only just been professionally overhauled and ultrasonic cleaned so I dont think its them.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to road test as I'm sorned. I did notice a little of the araldite was cracking so I was going to make new leads up as a matter of course but just wondered what to use to keep the lead in at the coil end?

kwakkwak6 - 2/1/13 at 09:45 PM

Doesn't your coil cap have a rubber gromit inside it like the sleave on a compression gland to gold the lead in place ? You would see evidence om the plug if its failing to fire on a cylinder the plug would be wetter or darker coloured due to excess fuel