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Sports car showroom virual Tour
johnemms - 13/3/12 at 08:03 AM

What an excelent way to sell cars - i can't afford any of them tho ..

tomgregory2000 - 13/3/12 at 08:33 AM

i could spend all day looking through that

johnemms - 13/3/12 at 09:14 AM

I sat in a virual Bugati

mookaloid - 13/3/12 at 09:26 AM

I like the classics

loggyboy - 13/3/12 at 09:50 AM

uuurgh... i was just thinking about the 512m the other day, they have 2 of them. What away to mess up the Testarossa/512tr.

Dusty - 13/3/12 at 10:18 AM

Fabulous. Just sat in a Zonda, Veyron and GT40. How come the first two have such a terrible dash/interior?

tilly819 - 13/3/12 at 10:43 AM

Made my day, just sat in all my favorate cars,

Zonda, Mosler, Koenigsegg


Jimbob - 13/3/12 at 01:00 PM

Carrera GT Interior is a bit erm blue!

Coopz - 13/3/12 at 03:45 PM

thats awesome! now I got to play this annoying game of which one would I choose If i won the lottery