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mookaloid - 30/1/13 at 11:37 PM


sorry but really eBay Item

coyoteboy - 31/1/13 at 01:05 AM

Daddylonglegs - 31/1/13 at 07:00 AM

This is the clincher for me....

"There is red lights that light up the road underneath when a switch is flicked on and it also has lights go back and for in grill like night rider car , Plus it also has all lights on a switch that light up in the car door panels etc."

Oh, and apparently it turns heads! , and if it's a 'one-of-a-kind' how can it become very very rare? It already is you dope!!

"Any questions please ask !!" - yes, just one......


Thanks Mookaloid, you've cheered up what was otherwise set to be a boring day!

[Edited on 31/1/13 by Daddylonglegs]

Agriv8 - 31/1/13 at 07:27 AM

well I for One are glad it is one of a kind means these less chance that my eyes would be asaulted seeing it in the flesh.

ATB Agriv8

AndyW - 31/1/13 at 08:04 AM


motorcycle_mayhem - 31/1/13 at 10:00 AM

Too much mention of the 'money' aspect, along with associated expectations from this being an appreciating asset... to me, says it all about the guy.

I love the lack of MoT, with an open top that's a corrosionally rather critical point.

OK - My MK5 Transit van... it'll fly through it's next MoT.... currently Sorn'd and on the driveway. Engine is the 2.5Di (Banana), gearbox MT75. Engine would make a good upgrade in a Pinto-equipped locost, so it's wurf a few fousand on that alone. No timewasters.

jollygreengiant - 31/1/13 at 10:04 AM

I like the odd wheel rims.

myke pocock - 31/1/13 at 03:42 PM

One realy HOT motor!!

Or it would be if someone did the right thing and set light to the FUC*ING THING.

Ninehigh - 31/1/13 at 09:16 PM

Does need the bull horns on the front

PeteS2k - 31/1/13 at 10:18 PM

My eyes... my eyes!!!

That which has been seen cannot be unseen.