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recommend me a mobile phone Hands free kit.
unijacko67 - 24/7/13 at 08:05 PM

I need a hands free kit for the van, any good ones out there. Only something to simply answer a call if I'm driving.

Cheers in advance.

gottabedone - 24/7/13 at 08:22 PM

I use a Parrot 3100 and have no problems with it


Ben_Copeland - 24/7/13 at 08:26 PM

Parrot MKi 9200, can play music through the Bluetooth from my phone or memory stick.

Can have 2 phones connected at the same time, which is important for me as I have 2 phones!

mookaloid - 24/7/13 at 08:40 PM

Parrot every time - choose which one you want but this one is the base model CK3000 Evolution

unijacko67 - 24/7/13 at 09:32 PM

Cheers, looks like I need a parrot then. Many thanks.

GOJO - 24/7/13 at 09:46 PM

Parrot ck3100 if you want something simple with a screen fitted from£185
Parrot mki 9100 if you have a iphone or mp3 player or usb with music. Fitted from £245
Sot lead from £10-65 depending what its going in.
The bonus of parrot is theres support and plenty of spares available
In a van it will always work better with a bulkhead and a point to note is the mki 9100 has a dual microphone

tims31 - 25/7/13 at 10:10 AM

unijacko67 - 25/7/13 at 08:45 PM

Ok, I like the lo cost elastic band hands free.

DarrenW - 25/7/13 at 09:54 PM

Defo a Parrot.

Ive had ear type ones and sun visor hands free kits in the past. The visor one wasnt bad but Parrot beat them all hands down. Probs the closest you will get to an OEM hands free kit.

Last 2 7 series i had were the absolute best ive ever used - people i talked to didnt even know i was in a car. Unbelievably clear but a tad expensive with a starting price of £56,000 (admittedly including a free car!)