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Sad weekend for bike racing
LBMEFM - 5/6/16 at 05:07 AM

Isle of Man TT: Dwight Heard 27, side car driver killed, solo rider Paul Shoesmith 50 killed and in Moto GP Catalunya, Luis Salom killed. Condolences to their family and friends and hope these guys rest in peace. Just hope that the rest of the season is safe for these true heros that keep us on the edge of our seats with their magnificent and amazing skills week after week.. Be safe and good luck to you all.

theconrodkid - 5/6/16 at 06:46 AM

shindha - 5/6/16 at 08:20 AM

Very sad such a young age

[Edited on 5/6/16 by shindha]

gary gsx - 5/6/16 at 10:09 AM

Very sad RIP

CosKev3 - 5/6/16 at 10:22 AM

Oh dear that's a lot all in one weekend

bi22le - 5/6/16 at 11:45 AM

I think luis was only 27.

nick205 - 6/6/16 at 07:48 AM

Doesn't sound good, but the TT always seems plagued with nasty endings