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Head to head with a Sylva J15
theprisioner - 3/10/15 at 01:29 PM

Took this image this morning and thought I would share.

Ivan - 4/10/15 at 09:08 AM

Like them both - what's the truck?

theprisioner - 4/10/15 at 05:48 PM

It belongs to a friend of mine who runs Aliblast Services. It is a 193? Ford pickup with V8 Chevy engine and Cortina front end and a gearbox and back axel from something relevant probably Cortina from 1960's. It sounds bloody marvellous. Love to take it around a track.

coozer - 4/10/15 at 07:01 PM

Push off or just stare off??

CRAIGR - 4/10/15 at 07:21 PM

Thought perhaps Angus had bought something more in keeping with his age

theprisioner - 4/10/15 at 07:30 PM

Does Angus use his nice car any more, I have not seen him in it since Stonleigh?

theprisioner - 4/10/15 at 07:41 PM

My retirement ethos, must do at least one track day every two weeks during Spring/ Summer/Autumn.

Image taken by a kind friend at Kames race track today, managed 99.6s (over three laps) ahead of two Westfields.

Almost the last track day of 2015, bring on spring 2016.

CRAIGR - 4/10/15 at 08:37 PM

Not crashed into it with the VW lately then

theprisioner - 4/10/15 at 10:30 PM

In comparison to being towed off Knockhill 3 times with 3 different design related faults, GRP damage is a trivial problem. Almost set fire to the b....r.

CRAIGR - 5/10/15 at 06:22 AM


the constant builder - 5/10/15 at 07:05 PM

I really must see Blasters pick up.

Was out in my car on Saturday, but the noise and vibration from the gearbox mount area held me back a little, didn't fancy having the prop in my legs, or in the passenger's legs.

Was thinking of coming to Kaimes on Sunday, but the gearbox mount really should be replaced, so went out mountain biking instead, my version of a defeat device.

[Edited on 5/10/15 by the constant builder]

theprisioner - 5/10/15 at 10:58 PM

Just bought a Specialised Tarmac my form of entertainment these days.