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Can anyone explain HDMI Lead Compatibility
Slowmotion - 16/1/09 at 02:28 PM

Getting Frustrated with Samsung.

We've just bought a new DVD Recorder with upscaling and already have an HD Ready Samsung TV.

Bought a 1.3 HDMI Lead, connected up but the TV doesn't seem to recognise the HDMI Port.

Samsung say I need an older spec 1.1 or 1.2 lead but everyhing I read on line says the 1.3 version is backwardly compatible.

Does what Samsung say make sense (TV is 2-years old) and if it does how could I get a 1.1 or 1.2 soec lead?

Any help would be greatfully received,

Mr Whippy - 16/1/09 at 02:42 PM

Do you remember when we were happy with just having a colour tv? (I had a BW one I got off my folks, it could run off the car battery too, I mind watching yellow (shades of grey) submarine on it ) or that the computer didn't chew the tape up this time trying to load a game. Oh happy days

[Edited on 16/1/09 by Mr Whippy]

neilj37 - 16/1/09 at 02:43 PM

The leads are backwardly compatible but sounds like your tv is not !! If your blu-ray player is 1.3 compatible it may be trying to send the audio signal through the hdmi lead to the tv which it cannot decode. Have you tried changing the settings in the dvd so that the audio goes out of the optical port instead of the hdmi.

[Edited on 16/1/09 by neilj37]

02GF74 - 16/1/09 at 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Do you remember when we were happy with just having a colour tv?

colour TV?

Luxury. All we had was carboard box to share between all one hundred and fifty of us.

Mr Whippy - 16/1/09 at 02:53 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74
Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Do you remember when we were happy with just having a colour tv?

colour TV?

Luxury. All we had was carboard box to share between all one hundred and fifty of us.

that's indeed a very small cardboard house, it's just as well you didn't have a tv cos there'd be no more room inside...

Humbug - 16/1/09 at 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Originally posted by 02GF74
Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Do you remember when we were happy with just having a colour tv?

colour TV?

Luxury. All we had was carboard box to share between all one hundred and fifty of us.

that's indeed a very small cardboard house, it's just as well you didn't have a tv cos there'd be no more room inside...

??? probably quite a large cardboard house if there was room for 150 people

Mr Whippy - 16/1/09 at 03:35 PM

Originally posted by Humbug
Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Originally posted by 02GF74
Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Do you remember when we were happy with just having a colour tv?

colour TV?

Luxury. All we had was carboard box to share between all one hundred and fifty of us.

that's indeed a very small cardboard house, it's just as well you didn't have a tv cos there'd be no more room inside...

??? probably quite a large cardboard house if there was room for 150 people

in those days little was thought about queuing for your turn to sleep in the box...these days they call it hot bedding

Hellfire - 16/1/09 at 03:36 PM

1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 spec cables....

From what I know about HDMI Cables (which isn't much), the only difference is the specification of the transfer rates. 1.3 being the quickest.

However, there (apparently) were many 1.1 and 1.2 cable swhich didn't meet Spec., but this doesn't help you.

May you have a faulty 1.3 HDMI Cable perhaps? Can you try a neighbours or anything that you know works?

Sorry I cant be of more help...


neilj37 - 16/1/09 at 03:46 PM

Originally posted by Hellfire
1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 spec cables....

From what I know about HDMI Cables (which isn't much), the only difference is the specification of the transfer rates. 1.3 being the quickest.


I thought the difference was that the V1.3 cables could now transmit the audio signal whereas the V1.1 & V1.2 could not.

vinny1275 - 16/1/09 at 03:53 PM

I didn't think the cables themselves changed in spec 1.3 - rather that the HDMI spec was altered to allow for online updates to video and audi codecs, that kind of thing. (I could be completely wrong with that).

Have a look at your DVD player's instructions, see if you can find a way of transmitting 1.1 or 1.2 spec to work with your TV...

liam.mccaffrey - 16/1/09 at 04:49 PM

switch the ends around you might be surprised

It has solved a ton of AV problems for me in the past

chrism - 16/1/09 at 05:11 PM

Is ther not an option on the dvd player to output video via hdmi.

I know certain devices wont output scart/av and hdmi at the same time, so they come by default set to scart and then you have to change to hdmi manually.

The virgin V+ boxes do this, more annoyingly you had to plug it into scart and hdmi then go in on your tv via scart and then switch it to use hdmi then change your tv to hdmi and read the message that tells you to press ok to accept in less than 10 seconds otherwise hdmi gets diabled again. My friends had this problem cause the virgin guy didnt do it for them and didnt mention that there is a time limit after switching to ok.

The Great Fandango - 16/1/09 at 05:28 PM

Ultimately, it might just be a knackered cable. Can you borrow another to try? (preferably a short one to prove it's not the length causing the issue).

As mentined, also try reversing which way round it is plugged in.

Don't ask why, but I have over 15 different HDMI cables in the house (ranging from 0.25m to 35m). All work perfectly well and most of them were as cheap as chips off eBay. Admittedly, the 35m one requires a 'repeater' (booster) to stop an intermitant fault.

Been fairly lucky in many respects. Several of my HDMI cable are sunk into the wall and are now plastered over. They appear to be holding up well.

HDMI is the way foward!

[Edited on 16/1/09 by The Great Fandango]

Hellfire - 16/1/09 at 05:46 PM

Hi - I got most information from HERE so I can really only comment on that.

Saying that - on my HDMI Monster Cable it does say TV one end and Output on t'other so maybe swapping the cable around my work.


Slowmotion - 16/1/09 at 06:56 PM

Thanks everyone for your suggestions.

Not sure why but I disconnected the HDMI lead and connected the TV to the DVD by SCART which allowed me to see the DVD set up menu and get it working but without any upscaling.

I then re-connected the existing 1.3 HDMI lead and IT WORKS!

Was really annoying me but I can relax now.

Liam - 18/1/09 at 08:02 AM

Was your DVD player perhaps upscaling to 1080p, which is possibly not supported by your TV?
