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bank charges
locoboy - 21/1/10 at 07:22 PM

I went overdrawn on an account i hardly ever use, i only have it because i couldnt be bothered to change the account i had set up to put money into FROM paypal.

I use it maybe 3 times a year and coming up to christmas i had 30 odd quid in there so i bought a pressie using that debit card.

I had £30 in there and i spent £36 which i thought i had enought to cover it - so currenlty £6 overdrawn

I forgot i had used it as i use it so infrequently, so i used it again for something less then £30, (because i was convinced i had £30 in there), and that took me over again totalling £31 overdrawn now.

I then checked my balance for some unknown reason the first week of Jan and was stunned to be £31 overdrawn, so at my earliest chance (the following weekend) i went to the brance to pay in £35 to put me in the black again by £4.

This is the crunch bit, I did the same a couple of years ago when i did a phone payment for some show tickets and i got charged but i complained because my account has NO overdraft facility and it is a debit card so i argued that my card should be rejected rather than take me overdrawn.

They refunded my charges.

Now I am going to have to go into the branch again this weekend because i have just had my statement through and they are charging me £55 for going over drawn without authority with my innitial £36 payment, then authorising a further £25 payment.

What do you recon the chances of me getting the charges withdrawn if i make them see that they agreed with my argument last time, no overdraft should equal non payment NOT taking you overdrawn!

Your thoughts? lol

02GF74 - 21/1/10 at 07:32 PM

banks are not charities.

make sure you have clean undies when they ask you to bend over.

I rate your chances as approximating to zero.

remember no crying!

Neil P - 21/1/10 at 08:12 PM

I think that's a reasonable argument. If you wanted to go overdrawn you would have an overdraft facility.

They honour it so they can charge you for the privilege. The problem is that they will probably charge you an equal amount for rejecting the payment, and that would still leave you with the store to deal with the outstanding amount.

Give it a try, nothing to lose. Personally, I wouldn't mention having done it before though.


trextr7monkey - 21/1/10 at 08:14 PM

I would say it all depends on how they view your custom -if you have massive amounts of cash hanging about in other accounts and use them for mortage etc you would have a fair chance of having charges squashed, particularly if you have a named personal banker at your local branch.
It might also help if you get in early and act contrite but affronted and speak to some one with some rank, while of course being well scrubbed and wearing your bex st jacket and tie
Good luck

If you have no other connection to the bank than the half dead overdrawn account then you are indeed about to get shafted, brace yersel!

Steve Hignett - 21/1/10 at 08:16 PM

If you haven't done this for recently (>12months) then I would say that you would stand an ok chance.

Stick £50 in there a couple days before you go...

Which bank is it?

whitestu - 21/1/10 at 09:53 PM

What's that saying?

If you owe a back a bit it's your problem, if you owe them a lot it's their problem!

See if you can get the overdraft up to a couple of million before you go in to see them!

ashg - 21/1/10 at 10:01 PM

i thought that they changed the rules so that the bank cant charge you a higher charge than the amount you went overdrawn by.

i may be wrong though

big-vee-twin - 21/1/10 at 10:34 PM

Banks can charge what they want .

In the recent court case where they were challanged over their charges (last two weeks) the bank won.

They may be sympathetic but as you dont use their services very often I think they will F**k you over.

skydivepaul - 22/1/10 at 12:11 AM

i was once given a bit of advice i hold dear............................if you owe the bank 50K you have sleepless nights and worries.......................................

if you owe the bank 1Million the bank has sleepless nights and worries!!!!

Borrow some more

locoboy - 22/1/10 at 08:27 AM


It is abbey national.

My argument is that they set a presedent by the personal banker telling me that my account should not have let me go overdrawn last time.

I have the same account, with the same card and no doubt the same terms and conditions so why has it been allowed to happen again?

Ninehigh - 24/1/10 at 08:29 AM

Give it a go, and if they're still insistent on charging you £55 for going overdrawn (which I'm sure is illegal) then tell them you're closing the account and hand you card over.

I did this many years ago and then a while back a debt collector sent me a letter saying I owed £2k on that account. I told them I couldn't go overdrawn by 10p so how do they make 2 grand and never got a response.