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Great idea for the England footie team!!
Paul TigerB6 - 30/6/10 at 10:10 PM

lets do the same!!!!

they deserve it!!!

RK - 1/7/10 at 12:27 AM

So let's get this straight: they get banned by FIFA for refusing to participate internationally for two years. That's quite a punishment!

Paul TigerB6 - 1/7/10 at 06:30 AM

Nope - our Prime Minister bans the England footie team because they're useless too

02GF74 - 1/7/10 at 06:36 AM

the man's a complete idiot.

firstly he needs to realise that not everyone can beat every other team since not everyone has the same ability.

secondly how can the national team improve their performances against other nation't teams without playing agaisnt them?

I suspect this is a smoke screen for some other political trouble he is in.

scudderfish - 1/7/10 at 06:45 AM

You have to admire a country that votes into power a man called Goodluck Johnson

jabbahutt - 1/7/10 at 06:55 AM

Slightly off topic I read this the day the England team flew back which put the whole sorry affair into perspective perfectly.

"Two planes will land back in England today, one carrying a squad of overpaid, lazy incompetants. The other carrying 7 coffins of truly brave men draped in the Union Jack. Hero is a word used far too often and fears being diluted, maybe the England squad should take a long hard look at the amount of money they get paid and each consider donating any monies earned from the jaunt to South Africa to Help for heroes. Then they may be able to hold their heads a little higher for actually having achieved something worthwhile."

Whoever originally wrote this knocked the nail well and truly on the head.

eddie99 - 1/7/10 at 07:25 AM

Originally posted by jabbahutt
Slightly off topic I read this the day the England team flew back which put the whole sorry affair into perspective perfectly.

"Two planes will land back in England today, one carrying a squad of overpaid, lazy incompetants. The other carrying 7 coffins of truly brave men draped in the Union Jack. Hero is a word used far too often and fears being diluted, maybe the England squad should take a long hard look at the amount of money they get paid and each consider donating any monies earned from the jaunt to South Africa to Help for heroes. Then they may be able to hold their heads a little higher for actually having achieved something worthwhile."

Whoever originally wrote this knocked the nail well and truly on the head.

Yup i agree totally, There is this version as well:

Two planes landed in England today...One brought back a group of overpaid, underachieving footballers.The other brought back seven coffins, each with the Union Jack draped over them. Footballers play for our country, soldiers FIGHT for our country. Footballers give ninety minutes, soldiers give their lives. I know who I respect more. R.I.P. Our Boys.

[Edited on 1/7/10 by eddie99]

skinned knuckles - 1/7/10 at 08:27 AM

Originally posted by jabbahutt
Slightly off topic I read this the day the England team flew back which put the whole sorry affair into perspective perfectly.

"Two planes will land back in England today, one carrying a squad of overpaid, lazy incompetants. The other carrying 7 coffins of truly brave men draped in the Union Jack. Hero is a word used far too often and fears being diluted, maybe the England squad should take a long hard look at the amount of money they get paid and each consider donating any monies earned from the jaunt to South Africa to Help for heroes. Then they may be able to hold their heads a little higher for actually having achieved something worthwhile."

Whoever originally wrote this knocked the nail well and truly on the head.


our footballers play with no passion, soul or commitment, our soldiers give their all. the entire word fears our armed forces but they laugh at our footballers.

feel the shame boys, feel the shame. you suck

jabbahutt - 1/7/10 at 08:39 AM

infact there must be a decent number of armed forces personnel who can play football. Plus get a Sargeant major or similar as coach/manager and when he starts shouting everyone's going to listen to what they're told.

So pick the England team from the services and you get dedication, commitment and determination in spades. They should try it at the next friendly match after all they couldn't do any worse.

[Edited on 1/7/10 by jabbahutt]

jeffw - 1/7/10 at 08:44 AM

Not wishing to side with the England team in any way but they already give their fees to charity

jabbahutt - 1/7/10 at 10:26 AM

Fair play to them, I stand corrected. Now if only they could learn to play football as a team.

scootz - 1/7/10 at 11:37 AM

The English football team does my nut-in (and I'm not even English!). As do the pundits, red-top reporters and the more gullible fans!

So Capello could be getting the boot... it's all his fault... he's too strict... blah blah blah!!! Let's set the record straight here - Capello has a great track record as a player and as a manager. The boys on the pitch were largely the same as those chosen to play in the qualifiers and everyone was cooing at how good they were then.

These same players then performed woefully at the WC... a blind fool could see it was attitude that was letting them down. The petted-lips were on show because the manager had them on lock-down for the tournament... it's just 4 weeks of your life and the man is asking you to do nothing but concentrate on your game to win the biggest competition you will ever enter! But no, their tiny minds are incapable of this and they rebel! Cutting their noses off to spite their own faces!

I thought England would do very well in the tournament... I love to watch the Premiership and I know as much as the next fan about the individuals that make up the England squad. After their exit I re-appraised my opinions as to whether the English players were individually as good as I thought. The answer.. NO - they are not! I had merely bought into the Sky (indoctrination) punditry telling me that Stevie G, Lamps and Roonaldo were world-class. The fact of the matter is that they are made to look better than they actually are due to the contributions of the more technically gifted foreign players that populate the league.

British sport (not just the English football team) suffers from the same disease. We have become a soft-nation... our kids just don't have the mentality to do whatever it takes to become the best. There's not the same hunger or determination in the UK as there is from kids in other parts of the world - these kids have it tough and want to escape... they MAKE it happen!

I remember when Paul Le Guen was in charge of Rangers (boo... hiss). He was labelled as the 'next-big-thing' in managerial circles and was praised for the professional and scientific manner he used. He took in a few foreigners when he arrived and of course it all went pear-shaped. The local lads rebelled, spat the dummy out, refused to perform and had him sacked. At this point a number of the foreign lads who had joined spoke out at their shock of the culture of the local guys... they drank alcohol and ate fast-food. They just could not comprehend how a professional athlete could poison their body with these things and still expect to be the 'best'! I recall one of the Rangers lads in an interview saying how he was starving and he was off to Greggs... WTF!

It's these little details that separate the gifted from the best and where we fall down against our continental cousins! You want to be the best - then prepare to give your all to the cause you have chosen... no in-between. And lets face it - when you are being paid £100k a week, why would it not be expected for you to sacrifice that portion of your life to your paymaster (the fans)!

scootz - 1/7/10 at 11:59 AM

And... if the rumors turn out to be true surrounding the alleged press-embargo on a Steven Gerrard expose, then the poop will really hit the fan!

It's thought that John Terry spat his dummy out for being stripped of the captaincy for questionable behavior, yet Stevie G didn't and the camp effectively was split into two.

jeffw - 1/7/10 at 12:50 PM

British sport (not just the English football team) suffers from the same disease. We have become a soft-nation... our kids just don't have the mentality to do whatever it takes to become the best. There's not the same hunger or determination in the UK as there is from kids in other parts of the world - these kids have it tough and want to escape... they MAKE it happen

That simple isn't true. There are large numbers of kids getting up a silly times of the morning to go off and practise their sport before school (and after school). I know of two children of friends of mine who are both swimming at 6 in the morning and the same of an evening.

stevebubs - 1/7/10 at 01:40 PM

I heard they were going to fly back via Glasgow as they wanted to be welcomed as heroes....

scootz - 1/7/10 at 02:19 PM

I don't doubt that Jeff, I know plenty myself who do similar things.

But how hungry are those kids? Do they do it because their mates do it... because the parents want them to do it... because its 'just something to do'... because I'm quite good at it... or because I'm going to win the front-crawl gold medal at the olymipc games 2016!

That's the mentality we're up against... a single minded determination to succeed with a committed plan of action intended to get them there.

Ninehigh - 1/7/10 at 07:15 PM

I'd imagine those kids are about as hungry as someone who had a good meal about 2 hours ago.. You see something happened between me leaving school and my stepkids starting. Competition got banned.

That whole "it's not the winning it's the taking part" BS has been taken too far, now no-one really gives a flying s**te if they win or lose, so why put any effort in? I mean the important bit is being there so what if you look like a bunch of lemons once you are, it's the taking part right?

School should teach "second place is first loser, and cheaters will be shot"