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Riots - Contact your MP
pewe - 9/8/11 at 05:42 PM

I'm sure we are all pretty digusted with recent events.
Rather than sit tut-tutting I've e-mailed my local MP - cynically it may not have much effect but at least I feel I've done something.
Below is what I wrote - feel free to send it to your MP - maybe, just maybe they'll take some notice.
Cheers, Pewe

CIVIL UNREST Attn Rob Wilson

Dear, Rob.
As a responsible citizen I would like to applaud the efforts of various Police Forces, their men and women in their attempts to mantain law and order over the last few days in what has obviously been very taxing and trying circumstances for them all.
Also the other emergency services warrant the same applause.

However the response from the Prime Minister today would seem to be less than forceful.
His assertion that offenders will feel the "full force of the law" will carry little or no wash with the culprits.
Perhaps it is time for more stringent penalties to be introduced as a detterent to what can only be desciribed as anarchy.
The anti-social and criminal behaivour of what appears to be a younger minority needs to be attacked head-on.
Our prisons are already full to capacity and there is thus surely the case for the establishment of Boot Camps so that offenders are not only punished but taught what a decent, law-abiding society expects of them?

As one of your constitiuents I would like you to suggest this to David Cameron and his Cabinet colleagues as soon as possible.

Ninehigh - 9/8/11 at 05:53 PM

Originally posted by pewe
Our prisons are already full to capacity and there is thus surely the case for the establishment of Boot Camps so that offenders are not only punished but taught what a decent, law-abiding society expects of them?

I believe this would be what we would like to call "rehabilitation" and a (wishy-washy leftie) version of it already happens. I like the idea

jimmyjoebob - 9/8/11 at 06:19 PM

Unfortunately, any suggestion of more extreme countermeasures will be manipulated by the left as being the response of an oppressive, right wing Government.

Ninehigh - 9/8/11 at 07:08 PM

Originally posted by jimmyjoebob
Unfortunately, any suggestion of more extreme countermeasures will be manipulated by the left as being the response of an oppressive, right wing Government.

Or as I'll put it "the response of a Government that will have none of this shit"

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snapper - 9/8/11 at 08:08 PM

I can't tell you about the massive cuts in manpower and budget inflicted on the Defence Police by this government, I also can't tell you about the massive cuts to the support personel.
They may be supporting the Met this evening.
After all this is over the cuts will still go ahead and they won't be able to help in the future.
But I can't tell you that