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Rugby Chat... The Haka!
scootz - 25/9/11 at 11:53 AM

What do we think about it? I'm not sure any more! Is it really sporting to allow one team the opportunity to try and intimidate the other without a right of reply!? Is it sporting at all to let one team make a 'throat slitting' gesture to another? As a Scotland fan, should I even be allowed to have an opinion on anything to do with rugby!?

I guess I wouldn't mind them doing it in their warm-up... but not be given special place and time to do it right in front of the opposition!

In any case... if you thought that the Haka is scary now, then you want to have seen it in 1973. TRULY TERRIFYING!!!

Haka Linky

scudderfish - 25/9/11 at 12:14 PM

If I was on the opposition, I'd just chat to my team mates and pointedly ignore them. Ideally walk past them and stand behind.

Myke 2463 - 25/9/11 at 12:26 PM

With a show like that they need a choreographer, Louis Spence to show them how to perform

bobinspain - 25/9/11 at 12:29 PM

I've always been of the opinion that 'right of reply' should be granted in response to the Haka. The thing is after all a challenge and meant to intimidate the opposition. If the entire opposing team dropped their DAKS and mooned at the A/Bs it would probably cause uproar, but hell it'd be worth it.

Lurch88 - 25/9/11 at 01:56 PM

How about the full England team doing a bit of Morris Dancing as a reply!
Absolutely terrifying

matt_gsxr - 25/9/11 at 02:33 PM

Samoans and Tongans have an equivalent to the Haka. So, I would guess that any team could probably legitimately have such a performance.

I am not sure which version of the Haka they now do, but previously they did
Ka Mate
which according to Wikipedia
Te Rauparaha composed Ka Mate circa 1820 as a celebration of life over death[1] after his lucky escape from pursuing Ngati Maniapoto and Waikato enemies. He had hidden from them in a food-storage pit, and climbed back into the light to be met by a chief friendly to him - Te Whareangi (the "hairy man".

Running away from his enemies and hiding in a food pit, not quite as scary as it looks!

The performance against France was fairly compelling though.


Ivan - 25/9/11 at 02:35 PM

Who ever said that the NZrs were sporting - if any other team did anything half as intimidating to them there would be a national outcry - I think that the Boks should do a Zulu wardance in reply and I am suree the Brits could come up withsomething Pictish

tomgregory2000 - 25/9/11 at 02:45 PM

who cares, its all part of the sport

Confused but excited. - 25/9/11 at 03:41 PM

Originally posted by scootz
What do we think about it? I'm not sure any more! Is it really sporting to allow one team the opportunity to try and intimidate the other without a right of reply!? Is it sporting at all to let one team make a 'throat slitting' gesture to another? As a Scotland fan, should I even be allowed to have an opinion on anything to do with rugby!?

I guess I wouldn't mind them doing it in their warm-up... but not be given special place and time to do it right in front of the opposition!

In any case... if you thought that the Haka is scary now, then you want to have seen it in 1973. TRULY TERRIFYING!!!

Haka Linky

Truly terrifying?
That wouldn't have frightened my granny off her commode.

scootz - 25/9/11 at 03:59 PM

at that half-assed effort of 1973. You'd think they'd have cracked it 67 years after it's inception to the All-Black match preparations!!!

bobinspain - 25/9/11 at 04:26 PM

Could always go in for some taunting, French style. Check out 'Monty Python French taunting' on Youtube. "Go away or I will fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries.'

Classic !

iank - 25/9/11 at 04:34 PM

Any professional player actually intimidated by the Haka shouldn't be in their countries shirt IMO.

It's just there for the TV and tradition to be honest.

Though a Morris dance is an inspired comeback.

Rod Ends - 25/9/11 at 04:37 PM

Frighten them with some Military Campness!

TimEllershaw - 26/9/11 at 01:40 PM

There was an inteview with Martin Johnson in a Lions tour a few years ago where he talked about it. His view, and the view of most players, was that it was a nice piece of theater , but nothing more. It was good for the showbiz aspects of the game, good as a bit of (fake-ish) tradition, but the players just soak it up and get on with the game.

Personally, I love it. I'm thinking of getting my Under 11s mini rugby team to do one

TimEllershaw - 26/9/11 at 01:47 PM

Originally posted by iank
Any professional player actually intimidated by the Haka shouldn't be in their countries shirt IMO.

Too True,

Is it interesting to see what gets to players in the build up to a game and seeing if affects them once the whistle blows. Just think of all the 20stone Welsh brick sh?? houses you have seen blubbing like a baby when they hear 70,000 people in the Mellinium stadium signing Land of My Fathers.

Irony - 26/9/11 at 01:58 PM

The English team should do something traditionally english. Perhaps a some men should run on carrying tables and chairs with pots of tea etc.

aka Keith - 26/9/11 at 02:33 PM

If I recollect correctly, I remember Scotland at Murryfield, stepping up to the Hakka and in effect challanging them back, for the life of me I cannot remember when it was.. and IIRC there have been recent instances were the teams or individuals have been disciplined for standing up to the hakka, ie getting to close to the nz players.

Whilst it is a piece of theatre, each team in my opinion should be allowed a resposes in whatever format they wish.

gottabedone - 26/9/11 at 04:19 PM

Scottish response.....................


iank - 26/9/11 at 05:33 PM

Originally posted by gottabedone
Scottish response.....................


Someone at the ad agency had been watching Carry on up the Kyber

Neville Jones - 26/9/11 at 05:51 PM

That haka thing with the Scots lifting the kilts was in a comedy show yonks ago. When the Scots lifted their kilts, the New Zealanders broke down in tears.
