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Prometheus ....
Jasper - 9/6/12 at 09:42 AM

Well, what do we think anybody that has seen it?

I was rather dissappointed with the story and script tbh, though seeing it at the IMAX did make for an amazing visual and auditory treat.

It was just too predictable and 'Hollywood', too much Starship Troopers and not enough 2001 or original Alien. I think Scott really messed up with this one, he had the chance to make another classic sci-fi and missed. Too many glaring plot holes, too many stupid and predicatable crew members, too much stupid behaviour by what are meant to be the very best people available just wound me up.

It was meant to be about the 'birth' of mankind and should have been much more engaging and mysterious.

The set designs were pretty amazing though and tied in nicely with the original Alien, and Fassbender was great as the android.

That was my most anticipated movie of the year too

nib1980 - 9/6/12 at 09:47 AM

ok yopu said whats wrong with it, now how would you have done it differently?

Jasper - 9/6/12 at 09:59 AM

Now if I was paid as much as Ridley Scott I'm sure I'd be able to give you a good answer to that - all I know was that I had a feeling of being underwhelmed and mildly irritated by the script, without the stunning 3D IMAX visuals, which were totally awesome, it would have been an even bigger let down. There were parts of it that made no sense towards the story and added nothing, and other parts that were just wasted. It was just a bit of a mess, whereas both Blade Runner and Alien were almost perfect in their story and script and wasted nothing.

Have you seen it?

flibble - 9/6/12 at 11:06 AM

Havn't seen it yet but may well do, especially if you can assure me it's not shot entirely in blue and orange like most other 'blockbusters' of recent times?
It's about time the colour grading fad died out

jollygreengiant - 9/6/12 at 11:09 AM

Not seen it yet, waiting till the DVD comes out so that I can watch it without paying the rip off prices of my not so local cinema, where it might get spoil by some numpty in front or behind spoiling it or having to pay rip off prices for any food or drink that I might want. Also If I HAVE to go for a call of nature (age related, now I know how my mother felt and why she made the comments that she did make), I can just put it on pause and go.

Other than that, its basicallly just brain candy. A good film will have a few 'holes', it leaves room for prequels and sequels so that the holes could be filled. As for the premise of the film, I thought it was meant to be about the reason why the film Alien was made, i.e. how come the 'synthetic' knew about the what and why the ship went to that planet in the first place, because he (the synthetic) WAS aware of the 'Alien's' existence and had command overides to help with the collection of a specimen.

[Edited on 9/6/12 by jollygreengiant]

scootz - 9/6/12 at 11:29 AM

Scott lost his 'edge' around the time of Gladiator (over-rated pile of poo!).

snakebelly - 9/6/12 at 01:49 PM

Saw it the day it came out 7 1/2 out of 10 at most just didn't seem to have a decent plot or character pool, all a bit predictable and the ending was obviously designed with a equal in mind.

RichieW - 9/6/12 at 03:02 PM

I've not seen the film but listened to a radio interview with Ridley Scott on the BBC. They asked him if he would ever return to the film (Prometheus). He indicated that in future he might do a directors cut. He has done this before with Bladerunner. Maybe he isnt happy with the cut that the studio released. There is probably a lot of the plot and story left on the cutting room floor

bobthebuilder - 9/6/12 at 04:07 PM

Yes i watched this in 3d the other day as was very dissapointed.
alien it wasnt. but just about watchable.

Chippy - 9/6/12 at 04:19 PM

It's just entertainment guys, escapeism, not some Shakespear play, (most of which are bloody boring), veiw it as such and it's not half bad, (but maybe a quarter bad). I however thought it was fairly good, but then I am easily pleased. Cheers Ray

Irony - 9/6/12 at 05:56 PM

Being a huge sci-fi fan I was almost giddy with excitement when this was a announced. Saw it last night and came away very sad. I feel the original Alien and Aliens are the scariest movies around but Prometheus was in my opinion just gory and not scary. The plots got huge holes in it and it just doesn't seem to mesh somehow. I just went through the whole movie thinking 'why are they doing that, why is the blue man so angry, why did the fella at the beginning die, why are there so few links to the Alien movies?'. To many questions.....

violentblue - 10/6/12 at 05:39 AM

read spoilers on the internet, mistake. killed what little mystery there was in this movie. Might have found it more interesting if I didn't know it was supposed to be linked to the "Alien" series.
not worth the price of a ticket, wait till is out on DVD or better yet Netflix.

[Edited on 10/6/12 by violentblue]

bobinspain - 10/6/12 at 10:25 AM

It's got a lot to live up to.
I've watched Bladerunner around 30 times (in various cuts), read P.K.D's 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' which inspired the film, and have a copy of 'Future Noir' The Making of Blade Runner by Paul M Sammon on my bookshelf, (generally regarded as the seminal work on the subject).
Sad barst' I know !!

[Edited on 10/6/12 by bobinspain]

brookie - 10/6/12 at 05:27 PM

been to watch this today i would say average film not worth the £18 i paid for the 3d

mad4x4 - 10/6/12 at 06:26 PM

Say it last tuesday - I'd give it about 5 out of 10..... we saw it in 3D and it was a poor attempt at Alien or simliar....

Dull, not very fast paced, Only real 3d "special effect" was the crash at the though they could have done better in 3D. Nothing real jumps out of the screen at you!

Yep Dull