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New slimmed down Army
mookaloid - 6/7/12 at 06:35 PM

Apparently the entire new slimmed down British Army will all be able to go to Wembley stadium all at once and be able to sit down with room to spare

steve m - 6/7/12 at 06:38 PM

Dont tell the Germans !

Xtreme Kermit - 6/7/12 at 06:38 PM

oh dear

theconrodkid - 6/7/12 at 06:50 PM

well maybe the politico,s will think twice about fighting someone elses war in a country none of us have ever heard of?

Dangle_kt - 6/7/12 at 07:05 PM

it more depends on if BP have any good leads in the area

aka_shortie - 6/7/12 at 08:22 PM

Still plenty of seats left if the new slimmed down police force sit in a few of them seats.

RichieW - 6/7/12 at 08:23 PM

Technology improves.

I am sure you can kill more of the enemy with fewer squaddies than you could 30 or 40 years ago.

It's a fact of life that you can do more with less these days. It's the same for every other business. Why should war be any different?

I heard on the radio this morning that UK defence spending is still 4th highest in the world. The reduction in numbers doesn't bother me.

Armed drones anybody?

JoelP - 6/7/12 at 08:58 PM

The uk's military threat is more about technology than how many troops we can get out there. We're never going to have American or Chinese reach, but we have enough to play an important role, especially with our allies. We do need more bridge building though, and less war mongering.

David Jenkins - 6/7/12 at 09:13 PM

The major problem is that we keep getting involved with wars that are none of our business...

...I think we should follow the Swedish example - a fearsome, well-equipped army (and navy and air force) that exists for the sole purpose of defending the home nation.

Chippy - 6/7/12 at 09:38 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
The major problem is that we keep getting involved with wars that are none of our business...

...I think we should follow the Swedish example - a fearsome, well-equipped army (and navy and air force) that exists for the sole purpose of defending the home nation.

Second that! Cheers Ray

steve m - 6/7/12 at 09:51 PM

"The major problem is that we keep getting involved with wars that are none of our business... "

Im a + with that,

plus every day we see/hear in the news another British service man dies, in a conflict we have nothing to do with

When i was 16, i applied for the RAF, one , as it was a job for life, an secondley to defend my country

All means diddly squat now

thankfully, i failed the medical

Chippy - 6/7/12 at 09:58 PM

Originally posted by steve m
"The major problem is that we keep getting involved with wars that are none of our business... "
Im a + with that,
When i was 16, i applied for the RAF, one , as it was a job for life, an secondley to defend my country
All means diddly squat now
thankfully, i failed the medical

Unfortunately I didnt, but that was for NS, couldnt afford to live on NS pay so went in as a regular. Ho! Hum! Ray

morcus - 7/7/12 at 05:47 AM

Same for me with the navy, failed a medical.

Just to play devils advocate for a bit, does Sweden have other countries currently making threats and claims to it's territories?

I personally think cutting the number of soldiers is probably a good thing as long as the men left aren't over worked.

britishtrident - 7/7/12 at 07:27 AM

The problem is we spend stupid amounts on the Trident nuclear system, we could have nuclear capability by other means. So much of the the defence budget is spent on Trident that rest of all three armed forces are withering on the vine.
We need Trident nukes like a hole in the head, what we do need is unnamed drones, electronic warfare & maritime patrol aircraft, small aircraft carriers, transport aircraft and when needed enough squadies to put on the ground

bobinspain - 7/7/12 at 11:31 AM

Originally posted by britishtrident
The problem is we spend stupid amounts on the Trident nuclear system, we could have nuclear capability by other means. So much of the the defence budget is spent on Trident that rest of all three armed forces are withering on the vine.
We need Trident nukes like a hole in the head, what we do need is unnamed drones, electronic warfare & maritime patrol aircraft, small aircraft carriers, transport aircraft and when needed enough squadies to put on the ground

"Unnamed drones?"
"I think if you're a higher rate taxpayer, you should be able to write your name on the fookers". Al Murray Pub Landlord. My Gaff my Rules .