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iPad what's so bad about it?!
Mr Whippy - 21/11/12 at 12:10 PM

Weird I keep coming across folk why sneer at the iPad, usually muttering something about apple. Been using this pad for 2 weeks now and it's the best thought out and easy to learn computer I've ever used. It's aleady replaced my mobile, laptop and car GPS

What on earth have folk got against it? Beats me

loggyboy - 21/11/12 at 12:16 PM

To me - mainly the price. The equivelent Samsung Tab is half the price and works just as well.
Secondly the apple attitude - 'its our way or the highway', 'want to do something manually - tough' 'let us do it for you, we know best' 'spare parts for a 4 year old phone?, only thru our dedicated suppliers, who will charge nearly as much as a new phone and have to fix it for you.'
thirdly - the apple 'following' - blid sheep who assume that because its has a apple logo it must be better than anything else.

Check out the 'mapple' simpson sketches on youtube!

balidey - 21/11/12 at 12:31 PM

Cost only for me.
I'm not anti Apple.
But I hate all the Apple 'fan boys' (sorry I hate that term) who go on and on and one about how good all Apple products are.
You don't see people knocking Sony, Panasonic etc etc. but I think the reason for that is the lack of people constantly saying how much better their products are.

Would I buy an Ipad?

Would I like to be given an Ipad?

Would I buy an Ipad if it were much cheaper?

Mr Whippy - 21/11/12 at 12:34 PM

Hmm well I've not used any other tablets other than this but so long as it does it job, so far I've just been discovering how many it can do. As for cost I think you get what you pay for like cars you can do my usual and just buy something that will get you from A to B but if you want an Audi you have to pay for it. So far it's already paid for itself having replaced all my separate gadgets, just my gps (which turned out to be sh!t) cost half the price of the pad alone. Have to say I'm delighted with the pad so far

[Edited on 21/11/12 by Mr Whippy]

v8kid - 21/11/12 at 12:38 PM

Originally posted by loggyboy
To me - mainly the price. The equivelent Samsung Tab is half the price and works just as well.
Secondly the apple attitude - 'its our way or the highway', 'want to do something manually - tough' 'let us do it for you, we know best' 'spare parts for a 4 year old phone?, only thru our dedicated suppliers, who will charge nearly as much as a new phone and have to fix it for you.'
thirdly - the apple 'following' - blid sheep who assume that because its has a apple logo it must be better than anything else.

Check out the 'mapple' simpson sketches on youtube!

That,s interesting because I've heard loads of other people say the same thing but it does not mirror my experience.

Perhaps its a case of the wrong product for the job? Apple stuff is s reliable exactly because they discourage fiddling about with it - if you want to tinker why for goodness sake buy something that is tinker proof?

my iphone 4 had a new screen fitted for £20 my the corner shop the same day - hardly dear.

Horses for courses but don't knock it 'cos you bought the wrong bit of kit


PS the phone is the only bit of apple kit I've got 'cos I tinker with the rest....

ceebmoj - 21/11/12 at 12:41 PM

I guess another way of looking at the same question would be. What is so good about the iPad? Did you look at the Nexus 10 the equivalent iPad is £80 more and the Nexus has a high-resolution screen.

Nexus 10 link

However a computer/ tablet / what ever is a tool what ever works best for you is the right device.

[Edited on 21/11/12 by ceebmoj]

steve m - 21/11/12 at 12:41 PM

I would really like to comment, onthe ipad, but since getting one, wifey uses it 24/7

ceebmoj - 21/11/12 at 12:45 PM

Originally posted by v8kid
my iphone 4 had a new screen fitted for £20 my the corner shop the same day - hardly dear.

If you ever take the phone to an apple shop they will know and will get decidedly funny about it.

D Beddows - 21/11/12 at 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
So far it's already paid for itself having replaced all my separate gadgets, just my gps (which turned out to be sh!t) cost half the price of the pad alone.

[Edited on 21/11/12 by Mr Whippy]

and if it wasn't an Apple you could use Google Navigator which is really rather good indeed

I'm entirely with balidey on this otherwise tbh

splitrivet - 21/11/12 at 12:59 PM

If your happy with it who gives a monkies about what others think.
Personally I dont like itunes or Apples we've got you by the short and curlies attitude (not a problem if you jailbreak it, but you shouldnt really have to do that) which is why I went for Galaxy 10.1.
As for getting a new screen for £20 on your Iphone thats gotta be the biggest bargain this side of the black stump we fit em for £45 and we make bugger all.

v8kid - 21/11/12 at 01:01 PM

Originally posted by ceebmoj
Originally posted by v8kid
my iphone 4 had a new screen fitted for £20 my the corner shop the same day - hardly dear.

If you ever take the phone to an apple shop they will know and will get decidedly funny about it.

You mean they will start telling Apple jokes ?


mds167 - 21/11/12 at 01:07 PM

I echo most of the responses so far.
I've an iPad1 through work.
The only downsides I've found are 3G signal and weight.
Perhaps the newer ones have lighter batteries.
If I was going to buy a tablet then I'd go Nexus but I like Android (have Samsung GS3).
However, my wife has a 3rd gen 32GB Ipod Touch which she loves and would have an iPad if they weren't so expensive.

Jon Ison - 21/11/12 at 01:07 PM

we have ipad 1 & 2 in our house, both get used regularly, like them both.

Slightly off topic just received an iPhone 4S still sealed unused, whats it worth, CBA to move everything over from my iPhone 4 which I'm more than happy with ?

wombat - 21/11/12 at 01:09 PM

My employer gave out 1400 iPads earlier this year to its staff off the back of a couple of good years.
Really like mine, only use laptop at home occasionally, excel , photos etc.
Wouldn't have bought one and trying to convince wife it's not worth her having one. Lot of money for what it is really.

Anyone know if you can get pictures from iPad to this site??

mcerd1 - 21/11/12 at 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Mr WhippyIt's aleady replaced my.... GPS

does it have that new apple maps thats on the iphone 5 yet ?

I ws shown one the other day on, search for 'waverley station', google sends you to Edinburgh - but apple send you to Sydney Australia!

[Edited on 21/11/2012 by mcerd1]

craig1410 - 21/11/12 at 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Hmm well I've not used any other tablets other than this but so long as it does it job, so far I've just been discovering how many it can do. As for cost I think you get what you pay for like cars you can do my usual and just buy something that will get you from A to B but if you want an Audi you have to pay for it. So far it's already paid for itself having replaced all my separate gadgets, just my gps (which turned out to be sh!t) cost half the price of the pad alone. Have to say I'm delighted with the pad so far

[Edited on 21/11/12 by Mr Whippy]

Well this is refreshing! I'm happy to hear you are enjoying your iPad but I had to chuckle a bit when reading what you said here because if I or any one of the growing number of "fanboys" had said something like this then a tirade of fanboy accusations would have ensued. You can get away with it as you are new to the scene...

As loggyboy has already explained, there are a number of "complaints" made by the anti-fanboys or fandroids or apple-haters or whatever you want to call them.

The price argument is common but when you consider the resale value of second hand apple gear that argument turns on its head. I sold a 4 year old, previously water damaged but working now, iPhone 3G which I had owned front new on eBay for £97 + postage a couple of months ago when I got my iPhone 5. Try that with a 4 year old android or other phone and you will get almost nothing. The same is true for iPads, laptops and other equipment. You also need to take into account the materials used and screen quality etc. That doesn't even begin to touch on the usability, ecosystem of apps and content etc. People seem to forget that when Apple released the first iPad, the price expectation was $999 but Apple shocked the competition into retreat by announcing a $499 opening price point. The only way the competition can beat the iPad is either by using cheaper materials or not making a profit on the product and trying to make up for that with content sales. This only works in a few countries though.

"Apple attitude" goes a bit like this... Apple make tough decisions on behalf of their customers! They spend a ton of cash on research and build numerous "versions" of each product before deciding which is the best overall. They then negotiate very tough contracts with suppliers and manufacturers around the world to build the product from expensive materials and parts while maintaining solid profits. They only make the profits they do (30-50% margin) BECAUSE they gain huge economies of scale through only building a few products in huge volume. If you tried to build 100,000 iPads to the same spec as the current iPad, it would cost at least twice as much as it does. Only through apples investment in factories and equipment and through huge order quantities can the price be made as low as it is. If you want to see what happens when a company can't or won't make the tough decisions for their customers then look no further than the Microsoft Surface RT device or even Windows 8. With these products Microsoft has handed the compromises to the customer to figure out for themselves...

Parts for any Apple product older than a few months are freely available, especially the glass touch screens. I've replaced the screens on numerous iPhones and iPod touches for friends and family and it is easy to do yourself using basic tools and a steady hand. Some products are easier to work o than others though to be fair. I've done the same thing with laptops, replacing batteries, screens and hard disks etc.

Apple 'Following' - hmm, this is where it gets unpleasant sometimes, not because Apple fans are unpleasant but because for some reason it is nigh on impossible to say anything without upsetting an anti-Apple person. I'm sure that will be proven shortly after I post this. Apple customers tend to be very satisfied with their products as upheld in survey after survey and of course they will tell anyone who asks that they should get an Apple product too. I've done this both directly and indirectly and is have yet to have anyone come back to me and say it was the wrong move to make. Often it seems like I've turned on a lightswitch for that persons computing enjoyment and productivity.

Anyway, I've said more than enough now to provoke a strong fandroid rebuttal so I'll better leave it at that. If you need any help then feel free to email or U2U me any time. You can also gets lots of good info on especially in the how to section and reviews section.


ps. I was a PC geek for over 25 years before I got my first Mac in 2007 so I'm only really a fanboy-apprentice...

D Beddows - 21/11/12 at 02:25 PM

How much are Apple paying you Craig? because if

""Apple attitude" goes a bit like this... Apple make tough decisions on behalf of their customers! They spend a ton of cash on research and build numerous "versions" of each product before deciding which is the best overall. They then negotiate very tough contracts with suppliers and manufacturers around the world to build the product from expensive materials and parts while maintaining solid profits. They only make the profits they do (30-50% margin) BECAUSE they gain huge economies of scale through only building a few products in huge volume. If you tried to build 100,000 iPads to the same spec as the current iPad, it would cost at least twice as much as it does. Only through apples investment in factories and equipment and through huge order quantities can the price be made as low as it is."

isn't 'company speak' I don't know what is.....

[Edited on 21/11/12 by D Beddows]

craig1410 - 21/11/12 at 02:36 PM

Originally posted by D Beddows
How much are Apple paying you Craig..........

[Edited on 21/11/12 by D Beddows]

Sadly nothing...

I must say I was tempted recently to buy some shares (actually at $500+ per share probably just one or two...) but they've already jumped up in price in the last few days.

I also had to pay THEM a couple of weeks ago to get my wife's MacBook Air screen replaced after she dropped it on the corner of the bedside table and smashed the LCD. It was only 2.5 months old so spare parts not so easy to find yet but Apple repaired it for £220 all in which I thought wasn't too bad. Probably £50-£75 labour plus £150ish for the entire top half of the laptop. Not cheap but was handed in to the Apple store on the Saturday and fixed on the Monday so good service.


silky16v - 21/11/12 at 02:53 PM

since turning to the Apple some years ago i can honestly say i've not had 1 issue with any of there hardware and every device does exactly what it says on the box

i normally trade up every 3yrs or sooner and the resell value is normally half or more which for electronic goods is a superb rate of return

i now have:

Macbook Air mid 2012 model (by far the best laptop i've ever had) 10 secs from switch on and i'm using it
iPad 3
iPhone 4s
Apple TV

I love the apple products for what they are yes i agree they are expensive but you get that return back when you sell on
i'm thinking about a 27" iMac for my office as i use a 27" thunderbolt display@work and it's truly an awesome screen

There will always be Apple haters, but each to there own for people who can afford them they buy them, that is the market Apple thrive on for most users there is no compromise it just has to be Apple Products.

whitestu - 21/11/12 at 03:09 PM

I genuinely can't make my mind up!

I have mixed opinions from my experience of Apple devices and software my Iphone 3 is fairly crap and Itunes is bloody awful, conversely my kids have Ipod touchs and an Ipad 3 and these seem pretty good.

I generally find Apple software very unintuitive and struggle to get it to do what I want, but maybe that's from years of using Windows, and little exposure to the Apple OS.

I'd like to have a play with a decent Android tablet to see how it compares with the Ipad.


mcerd1 - 21/11/12 at 03:11 PM

I don't mind the old fashoned ipod's (although I don't have one) and i do sometimes use the PC version of itunes to rip my CD's to mp3 (just because its free, avalible and can do a few other useful things to the mp3's)
but I'm not an apple fan in general - mostly just because I just don't like dumbed down way that most of their products work
I like to tinker and run alot of games and CAD most of which run perfectly on my PC
and I've run Winamp for most of my mp3 needs for more than 13 years and I'm still loving it

so you think I'd be an android fan... I've tried quite a few different ones but I just don't like it either !
(maybe I'd like it if they did an non-touch version)

and from what I've seen of windows 8 so far I don't think I'm going to like that much either....

...In fact the thing I hate more than anything is touch screens !

I'm just going to hide away in a cave with my old nokia

[Edited on 21/11/2012 by mcerd1]

Mr Whippy - 21/11/12 at 03:59 PM

I'm about to use the maps navigator to get all the way from Southampton to Aberdeen and I have no idea of the roads so really going to put it to the test...last time I did a journey like this my gps put me through every back road in Wales, little b2stard

As for fiddling with apps, so far I have no need everything I wanted was ready to go and does its job perfectly, liked the video phone thing worked a dream when abroad so I could chat to the missis how amazing

I can see it now, when I was a lad we didn't even see who we were speaking to, we had to speak in to this thing in our hands oh the good old days...

[Edited on 21/11/12 by Mr Whippy]

UncleFista - 21/11/12 at 04:51 PM

Bit off-topic, but why do Apple phone owners call their phones "iphone" I don't call mine "HTC" I just call it a phone..

craig1410 - 21/11/12 at 05:25 PM

Originally posted by UncleFista
Bit off-topic, but why do Apple phone owners call their phones "iphone" I don't call mine "HTC" I just call it a phone..

Well, HTC is the brand just like Apple is the brand for iPhone. I don't call my phone my "Apple"

I sometimes call it my iPhone or if it is a more specific conversation and I need to clarify then I might call it an iPhone 3 or 4 or 5 or whatever. Android owners also refer to their S3 or S2 in the same way.

I think it comes down to whether the manufacturer has chosen a memorable product name or not. iPhone is a single product name with a number to reflect generation. The brand awareness is therefore very strong. Talking about an "evo 4G lte" isn't quite so easy to roll off the tongue in the case of HTC. Other manufacturers are even worse sometimes.

You can even create your own android product names here:

mark chandler - 21/11/12 at 06:09 PM

Dunno, Mines great, lap top consigned to under the sofa.

We were going to upgrade our sat nav, the maps function is up to date and works really well, IPAD 3.

It's also locked into my iPhone so all music and apps are carried across.

What do I not like, it is not a PC so have to copy music across on USB lead.

vanepico - 21/11/12 at 07:00 PM

Originally posted by craig1410
"Apple attitude" goes a bit like this... Apple make tough decisions on behalf of their customers! They spend a ton of cash on research and build numerous "versions" of each product before deciding which is the best overall. They then negotiate very tough contracts with suppliers and manufacturers around the world to build the product from expensive materials and parts while maintaining solid profits.

Let's not forget that most apple products are still built in china... But they are designed in california! The machined parts we get made at work are designed in the UK, sent to china to be made, and they are quite a lot of the time wrong. Where it is designed makes bugger all difference!

I like windows computers for the amount of stuff you can do. You can do pretty much anything you want in command prompt. And above all, I'm used to it, and have been for over 10 years.Putting a tacky looking interface over a system just limits what you can do. I'd much rather just have a small laptop.

splitrivet - 21/11/12 at 07:07 PM

Originally posted by vanepico
Originally posted by craig1410

Let's not forget that most apple products are still built in china... But they are designed in california! The machined parts we get made at work are designed in the UK, sent to china to be made, and they are quite a lot of the time wrong. Where it is designed makes bugger all difference!

Think you'll find they own the factories in China whereas you probably get your stuff made by a Chinese contractor who tells you one thing to get the contract but delivers another, been there done that.

JC - 21/11/12 at 07:08 PM

I love my iPad, and my (i)phone. All I know is that when I picked up a Samsung tab it just felt plasticky, whereas the iPad just feels solid and 'nice'. Shallow? Possibly, but I'm happy!

PeteS2k - 21/11/12 at 08:02 PM

Don't have an iPad, but do have an iPhone. And a Windows laptop.

Apple seems to have become the new hate target for the technological cogniscenti, replacing Microsoft/Windows of 10 or more years ago. And for the same reasons - strong, ubiquitous global brand, user focused - it just does the job most people want intuitively, effectively 'dumbing down' technology for the masses. Oh... and as a result, they make a huge amount of money.

I remember the Microsoft haters used to be Mac owners (the irony!) who had a certain exclusivity, or Linux users, who liked to hack into the depths of code to get the machine to do exactly what they wanted. Something of the geek in us is offended by making things too easy, and nice looking, too?

Stott - 21/11/12 at 08:38 PM

Originally posted by steve m
I would really like to comment, onthe ipad, but since getting one, wifey uses it 24/7

Possibly the single most compelling reason to buy an ipad, increased garage time without being missed

smart51 - 21/11/12 at 08:53 PM

My iPad is great. I use it constantly. I have a few niggles with it but nothing serious. Editing text in say an email, if I change my mind about what to say. It won't let you put the cursor where you want, it has to be at the end of a word, which is annoying if you want to change the first letter to a capital. All apps have to go through the apple website and all data has to go though an app. It ties you down to their way of doing things. The auto correct can be infuriating and can't be turned off. On the plus side, it couldn't be easier to use and it just works. All the time.

Yes, it's expensive, but the iPad mini has just been launched and it's £150 cheaper.

Irony - 21/11/12 at 09:10 PM

I am a apple fanboy or was. I have used Macs for years and they are awesome products. But I have just bought a Nexus 7 tablet. I shall explain why.

Price - sorry to those I shall offend. Apple products are fantastically priced for what get. The 27in iMac for example as a fantastic quality screen. Buying a screen of that quality costs about the same as a entire iMac. Hold up a Samsung tablet next to a iPad and the quality just oozes out of the iPad. My 3 year old Mac Pro is still the fastest PC in my entire business. They are awesome products.

I have started moving away from Apple after a 10 year love affair simply because I do not like to be dictated to. Apple says I can't upload this, I can't download this. I have to do what they say. Even worse they are reducing support for the PRO user. I have 32gb of ram and I use all of it at work. But the MAC Pro hasn't received a upgrade in two years. Yet the iPhone an iPads have had multiple revisions in that time.

Don't say that Macs are expensive because there not. You get what you pay for. They should be criticised for dictating to their customers, forgetting the Pro Users who stuck by them in the dark years and becoming the monopoly that they sort to destroy that was mircosoft.

Rant over.

Sent from my Google nexus 7.

craig1410 - 21/11/12 at 09:11 PM

Originally posted by vanepico
Originally posted by craig1410
"Apple attitude" goes a bit like this... Apple make tough decisions on behalf of their customers! They spend a ton of cash on research and build numerous "versions" of each product before deciding which is the best overall. They then negotiate very tough contracts with suppliers and manufacturers around the world to build the product from expensive materials and parts while maintaining solid profits.

Let's not forget that most apple products are still built in china... But they are designed in california! The machined parts we get made at work are designed in the UK, sent to china to be made, and they are quite a lot of the time wrong. Where it is designed makes bugger all difference!

I like windows computers for the amount of stuff you can do. You can do pretty much anything you want in command prompt. And above all, I'm used to it, and have been for over 10 years.Putting a tacky looking interface over a system just limits what you can do. I'd much rather just have a small laptop.

Not really sure why you quoted my paragraph and then went off on a tangent about design location. Anyway as Bob has already said, I very much doubt (respectfully) that your experience of manufacture in China has any similarity with what Apple do there. When you are placing orders for 10 million iPhones a month you get quite a big say in how things are run. Tim Cook, Apple CEO is utterly brilliant when it comes to logistics and manufacture. Seriously, he is widely regarded as the best in the business and probably has as much, if not more, to do with Apple's recent success as Steve Jobs. I don't say this lightly. Having said that, problems do occur and the iPhone 5 had a few problems as you may have heard where there were some units arriving with scuff marks on the body. It's disappointing for sure if you are one of those affected but Apple's customer service kicks straight in and they will replace your phone with no problem.

Talking of design, you do know that Apple has one of the best industrial designers in the world leading their design department. Sir Jony Ive no less. He's British and really is a top bloke.

As for your comments about being able to do lots with the windows command prompt, you might be interested to learn that the Mac OS and iOS are based on BSD Unix. Unix (and Linux) have much more powerful command prompts (or shells) than Windows ever has had or is likely to have in the future. Seriously, you would be blown away at what you can do at the command line on the Mac. System admins are regularly frustrated at the limitations with windows where you are often forced to use the GUI to make system config changes which can be done in Linux/Unix in seconds with a shell script. You've also got a thing called AppleScript and Automator which you can use to automate lots of stuff at a higher level. I'm not sure what you are talking about when you refer to a tacky looking interface but each to their own.

craig1410 - 21/11/12 at 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Irony
I am a apple fanboy or was. I have used Macs for years and they are awesome products. But I have just bought a Nexus 7 tablet. I shall explain why.

Price - sorry to those I shall offend. Apple products are fantastically priced for what get. The 27in iMac for example as a fantastic quality screen. Buying a screen of that quality costs about the same as a entire iMac. Hold up a Samsung tablet next to a iPad and the quality just oozes out of the iPad. My 3 year old Mac Pro is still the fastest PC in my entire business. They are awesome products.

I have started moving away from Apple after a 10 year love affair simply because I do not like to be dictated to. Apple says I can't upload this, I can't download this. I have to do what they say. Even worse they are reducing support for the PRO user. I have 32gb of ram and I use all of it at work. But the MAC Pro hasn't received a upgrade in two years. Yet the iPhone an iPads have had multiple revisions in that time.

Don't say that Macs are expensive because there not. You get what you pay for. They should be criticised for dictating to their customers, forgetting the Pro Users who stuck by them in the dark years and becoming the monopoly that they sort to destroy that was mircosoft.

Rant over.

Sent from my Google nexus 7.

Yes the Mac Pro has been neglected a bit in the last few years but Tim Cook has publicly promised that something special will be released for this product line in late 2013. Maybe too late for you though... I've got to say though that there has been a significant shift away from desktop computers of late and you can understand why they have focused on the MacBook Airs and other laptops and mobile devices of late. The iMac is also a seriously powerful machine for many Pro users but I appreciate for some use cases you do need the pro graphics cards and storage expansion etc. the iMac will support 32GB RAM now though and the new Fusion drive technology looks very interesting. Before anyone says it, this is NOT the same as hybrid cache drives... The recent retina MacBook pros are also fantastic machines for many pro users.

Hopefully Apple will do something special next year to wow you back!

[Edited on 21/11/2012 by craig1410]

JonnyS - 21/11/12 at 09:57 PM

Bought a new Apple laptop. Everything worked straight away. Links to everything new without even having to be asked. Looks great. Doesn't get lots of viruses etc. Works for years and years

Bought a new mid-range PC laptop. Took 3 hours to download updates before it would start. Next time I turned it on it took another 1 hour of updates. Drivers needed for this and that. Doesn't like router etc. I'll ignore the look and quality as everyone knows Apple win without even trying. Dies after a couple of years.

I hate the PC.

nick205 - 21/11/12 at 10:53 PM

Originally posted by balidey
Cost only for me.
I'm not anti Apple.
But I hate all the Apple 'fan boys' (sorry I hate that term) who go on and on and one about how good all Apple products are.
You don't see people knocking Sony, Panasonic etc etc. but I think the reason for that is the lack of people constantly saying how much better their products are.

Would I buy an Ipad?

Would I like to be given an Ipad?

Would I buy an Ipad if it were much cheaper?

About sums it up for me too.

Friends and family have them and rave about them. I wangled one from work as there's no way I'd pay for my own.

Having one is great and they really are very slick for many things, but I still go to my laptop for anything productive!

eddie99 - 21/11/12 at 11:04 PM

Originally posted by ceebmoj
Originally posted by v8kid
my iphone 4 had a new screen fitted for £20 my the corner shop the same day - hardly dear.

If you ever take the phone to an apple shop they will know and will get decidedly funny about it.

My battery started dieing on my phone, and cracked screen. I got the screen down locally for £30, then took it to apple, they replaced the phone because of the battery, never noticed the screen had been done by someone else?

They do have good customer service and i say you get what you pay for.

And i agree with above, Take Icloud for instance, backing up and restoring a phone couldnt be made easier than it was when Apple gave me a replacement phone.

[Edited on 21/11/12 by eddie99]

mcerd1 - 22/11/12 at 09:28 AM

Originally posted by splitrivet
Originally posted by vanepico
Originally posted by craig1410

Let's not forget that most apple products are still built in china... But they are designed in california! The machined parts we get made at work are designed in the UK, sent to china to be made, and they are quite a lot of the time wrong. Where it is designed makes bugger all difference!

Think you'll find they own the factories in China whereas you probably get your stuff made by a Chinese contractor who tells you one thing to get the contract but delivers another, been there done that.
sorry but your kidding yourself if you think apple make them themself

I'm fairly sure that Foxconn make most of these things and they never had that great a reputation for making quality prodcucts
I fairly sure they also make some stuff for amazon, dell, microsoft, nokia, sony, motorola and lots of others too...

personaly I like the high end ASUS laptops (and MB's for my desktops) they cost almost as much as macbook but I think they are every bit as well made as any apple
win7 is pretty solid and easy to use and I havn't had a virus on any of my PC's for 10 years ! (most of that without running any antivirus software)

[Edited on 22/11/2012 by mcerd1]

David Jenkins - 22/11/12 at 10:56 AM

Originally posted by JonnyS
Bought a new mid-range PC laptop. Took 3 hours to download updates before it would start. Next time I turned it on it took another 1 hour of updates. Drivers needed for this and that. Doesn't like router etc. I'll ignore the look and quality as everyone knows Apple win without even trying. Dies after a couple of years.

I hate the PC.

Don't say "PC" in this context, say "Windows".

I use a desktop with Linux - after first install it took about 30 minutes to update to the latest software. Since then I get regular updates, but they run in the background when I allow them to, and they rarely take longer than 2 minutes to download. In 99.99% of updates I don't need to reboot afterwards.

Contrast that with my Windoze laptop, which I use occasionally. Every time I turn on there's a new update waiting. These often take up to an hour to download (especially the once-a-month updates) on the same wired network as my Linux box and I have to reboot the laptop 33% of the time. Rebooting for an update can take up to 30 minutes. By the time it's all finished I've forgotten why I turned the laptop on...

As for Apple - I will agree that they are technically brilliant machines in most cases, especially the desktops and laptops. But their prices are at the top end of all the options, and their attitude leaves a lot to be desired. The attitude of some Apple fans can often contain a high level of BS which takes the edge off the whole experience as well!

...and after that final comment I will put my tin hat on and duck down below the parapet.

MikeRJ - 22/11/12 at 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Hmm well I've not used any other tablets other than this but so long as it does it job, so far I've just been discovering how many it can do. As for cost I think you get what you pay for like cars you can do my usual and just buy something that will get you from A to B but if you want an Audi you have to pay for it.

That's a very good analogy. Both the iPad and Audis are aspirational lifestyle products that rely on marketing and fashion for their popularity. Both are functional, though ultimately don't do anything better than some significantly cheaper cars.

UncleFista - 22/11/12 at 11:14 AM

Originally posted by craig1410
Originally posted by UncleFista
Bit off-topic, but why do Apple phone owners call their phones "iphone" I don't call mine "HTC" I just call it a phone..

Well, HTC is the brand just like Apple is the brand for iPhone. I don't call my phone my "Apple"

I sometimes call it my iPhone or if it is a more specific conversation and I need to clarify then I might call it an iPhone 3 or 4 or 5 or whatever. Android owners also refer to their S3 or S2 in the same way.

I think it comes down to whether the manufacturer has chosen a memorable product name or not. iPhone is a single product name with a number to reflect generation. The brand awareness is therefore very strong. Talking about an "evo 4G lte" isn't quite so easy to roll off the tongue in the case of HTC. Other manufacturers are even worse sometimes.

You can even create your own android product names here:

I don't call my phone my "desire" in fact I've never heard anyone but iPhone owners call their phone by it's model name.
As for Samsung owners calling their phones "s4" I've never heard anything like that

I just find it strange

MikeRJ - 22/11/12 at 11:14 AM

Originally posted by mcerd1
sorry but your kidding yourself if you think apple make them themself

I'm fairly sure that Foxconn make most of these things and they never had that great a reputation for making quality prodcucts
I fairly sure they also make some stuff for amazon, dell, microsoft, nokia, sony, motorola and lots of others too...

Correct, the smaller Apple products (iPad, iPhone, iPod etc) are made in China right next to those other brands. The Apple notebooks are made in Taiwan, right beside a dozen other brands of notebook such as Dell, Sony, Lenovo etc. This tends to stick in the craw of Apple fanboys

[Edited on 22/11/12 by MikeRJ]

Mr Whippy - 22/11/12 at 12:28 PM

hmm so after all that there is really nothing particularly wrong with the ipad it's just expensive if you want one

the standard maps thing worked well yesterday as a gps, went from Southampton to Aberdeen with it, no issues at all, 10hrs driving and not got lost once well pleased with that

thefreak - 22/11/12 at 12:43 PM

I sit here typing on a Dell laptop with Windows 7, with my HP desktop with Windows 7 next to me and my iPhone 5 on the desk.
I support a prodominatly Windows network all day long. 2003, 2008, Exchange etc, so any playing around with the ins and outs of something is my day job. In the evening I want something that just works, doesn't need lots of tinkering to get things working. That's why the phone is an Apple. I'm not a fanboy by any stretch of the imagination but it does make me laugh when HTC/Android users (around 50% of the office of developers I work with) shout up everytime the debate starts about not being able to access the OS, not being able to upgrade the RAM, not being able to install custom apps.
Sorry, I don't want to! I want the thing to connect to my email when I need to, to play games when I'm bored, to access the internet when I can't remember the name of some actor, to listen to some music when I'm walking into work.
It does all that without any dicking around, and does it well with a very smooth, easy to use interface.
Would I have an iPad. Probably not as there isn't room in my life for one. I prefer the full size keyboard and screen interface of the laptop and the ability to plug it into hardware if I need to as that's my job. If my job was creating reports, presentations and documents for someone, then an iPad may be better suited as that's exactly what it would do, and it would do it well without giving me grief about not enough RAM

Oh, and out of 4 developers, 2 have iPhones and 2 have HTCs. The iPhone owners have them just because they're nice and easy and don't need more time spending on them.
The other 2 have Andriods so they can tinker... but they never do as they can't be bothered, it's their day job why would they do it at home too!

[Edited on 22-11-12 by thefreak]

JoelP - 22/11/12 at 01:16 PM

Im currently deciding what tablet to get. Undecided because i want a nice one for me, but its important the kids learn to use this stuff so i wouldnt mind a cheap disposable one (they are 3 and 1 so wreck things quickly). Might get 2. Ipad is actually cheaper than i expected, since the phones cost £700 i expected the tabs to be a bit more, but they seem to start at 400. Quite tempted by the nexus 10; seems better spec than the ipad4 but looks loads cheaper in terms of quality, but is only about 80 cheaper. One deciding factor though is that i know that i hate itunes...

thefreak - 22/11/12 at 01:18 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
One deciding factor though is that i know that i hate itunes...

What's up with itunes? Is it a bad experience, or just lack of understanding of how it works? My experience with users is most of the time it's one or the other

mcerd1 - 22/11/12 at 01:22 PM

Originally posted by JonnyS
Bought a new mid-range PC laptop. Took 3 hours to download updates before it would start. Next time I turned it on it took another 1 hour of updates. Drivers needed for this and that. Doesn't like router etc. I'll ignore the look and quality as everyone knows Apple win without even trying. Dies after a couple of years.

I hate the PC.
^^sounds like you just need to buy a better windows PC

if you buy one thats sat on a shelf for 2 years its bound to need updates (its anoying but hardly the end of the world)

if all your hardware is half decent quality from well supported brands (that doesn't always mean more expencive) then you'll have far less or even no driver issues

and a top quaility PC can be better made and look just as good as an apple, but won't be much cheaper than an apple
if you buy a £300-500 laptop how is that ever supposed to compair to a £1000-1200 macbook ?

also good PC's don't die after a couple of years - mine is now a full 10 years old and going strong ! (if a bit slow these days )

I'm still not saying apples are bad, but if your compairing them to PC's then at least pick a PC thats in the same ballpark !

[Edited on 22/11/2012 by mcerd1]

JoelP - 22/11/12 at 01:23 PM

definately lack of understanding! It was just too different to the WMP and file systems im used to. You'd try and do things and it just wouldnt let you (i forget what, this was 5 years ago with an ipod). Tempted to get both but the missus really doesnt need one and i cant justify both for me alone.

thefreak - 22/11/12 at 01:25 PM

Ah, that's the issue then.
WMP was just that, a player.
iTunes happily takes over the management and playlist creation for music, but that's about it. The rest is quite straight forward like backups/restores/updates. App syncing.
You just have to remember to untick the box which is on as default to copy all your music into itunes. Just link it to your current folder structure and create playlists yourself.