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Unsprung centre in clutch
turbodisplay - 20/9/09 at 07:26 PM

Hi, was taking the 3sgte engine apart, to fit on a engine stand. I noticed the clutch was a aisin type, with provisions for centre springs, but there was no springs, just metal tubes to efectively make it a solid centre. It is an organic clutch.
It is from an import st185 gt4,it had some mods, so i`m wondering if it is non-standard.
Has anyone seen this before, is it an uprated clutch, or just normal?

tomgregory2000 - 20/9/09 at 08:19 PM

got a pic?

turbodisplay - 20/9/09 at 08:29 PM

Will try to take one tomorrow.
As I said it looks like a normal clutch,jut with some metal tube instead of springs.
First time i have ever come across this, the fun taking apart import jap stuff, never know what you will find!


Dingz - 20/9/09 at 10:22 PM

Has it got a Dual mass flywheel? they have solid clutch plates, the springy bit is in the flywheel.

turbodisplay - 21/9/09 at 06:57 AM

Nope standard flywheel, all solid.
Looked at replacement clutches, they have sprung centres.

nz_climber - 21/9/09 at 07:23 AM

Dual Mass Flywheels come with a solid centre Clutch, but since you don't have one of those (which is a good thing!) I would replace it with a sprung cente clutch, to help prolong the life of the gearbox you fit.

NS Dev - 21/9/09 at 07:25 AM

yea, you learn something new every day but I have never seen tubes instead of springs.

I have used solid centres before but they are just that, solid, without even a provision to put a spring in there.....

very odd, does sound like a strange mod, as the weakness in the plate is still there, but without the cushion of the springs!

I'd definitely fit a sprung one for road use!!

turbodisplay - 21/9/09 at 07:49 AM

The only reason I was thinking of keeping it is that it might be an uprated friction material. I think a sprung center is a good idea too, don` think SWMBO will enjoy, it.
Its the least i could do after filling her astra with oil, getting the engine.


MikeRJ - 21/9/09 at 09:14 AM

Originally posted by turbodisplay
The only reason I was thinking of keeping it is that it might be an uprated friction material. I think a sprung center is a good idea too, don` think SWMBO will enjoy, it.

More to the point your gearbox/diff/dirveshafts won't enjoy it either.

Does sound very odd though, you sure there aren't springs inside the tubes?

nz_climber - 22/9/09 at 07:27 AM

Maybe the springs gave way so some idiot put the tubes in there because his mates said its the cool thing to do and get an extra 50hp..

The dual mass ones have a piece of solid stuff that looks like rubber in place of the springs, see photo below of a dual mass set up from my beams 3sge (from toyota altezza)

new set up looks like this

[Edited on 22/9/09 by nz_climber]

turbodisplay - 23/9/09 at 06:46 PM

That is exactly what the clucth centre looks like, the flywheel is definately not dual mass though!
Think someon has mixed and matched regarding the clutch setup

nz_climber - 24/9/09 at 08:31 AM

No worries, glad the photo helped, a new clutch plate will be pretty cheap as they are the same as some hilux's etc too and pretty common size (from toyota)

turbodisplay - 24/9/09 at 05:27 PM

Ordered an exedy clutch from ebay, this at least has a sprung centre.
