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IVA downloads
keithice - 30/5/11 at 04:34 PM

Hoping someone could point me in the direction of the IVA manual which I believe is avaliable to read online....
Tried could'nt locate it...

I have searched the forum but there are almost 3,500 threads

vinny1275 - 30/5/11 at 04:40 PM

Go to the iva section, there's a sticky post called IVA manual, go to the last page and theres a download link for the latest version....

MsD - 30/5/11 at 04:43 PM

I think this is the latest version...


rodgling - 30/5/11 at 04:43 PM

Looks like the latest version is 6.01, dated May 9th 2011.

keithice - 30/5/11 at 06:17 PM

thank you very much... Having read it I'm gonna to have to move petrol filling cap as it's in the engine bay....