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Help Needed from all Locost Builders!
TMC Motorsport - 1/9/09 at 08:18 AM

Hi everyone,

I'm after some help with a competition I have entered. It is being run by a team comprising of F1 driver coach Rob Wilson, Robbie Kerr and various other prominent and talented individuals.
The ultimate aim and intention is to find a driver to support all the way to F1, and although I'm frankly too old and way too tall to go that far, the chance to be involved in just the first round of the competition is too good to pass up.
The reason I need your help is because three drivers registered on Driver Database will be entered into the 1st round free of charge, based on public votes alone.
Therefore, if you can spare 5 minutes of your time I would really appreciate a vote, and if you can pass the link on to friends and family that would be even better.
The process is pretty simple, follow the link to my page below and enter your email address in the voting box, check your email (including the junk folder) and click the confirmation link. All done! If you have multiple email addresses feel free to vote from each one (please!)

The link you need is:

Many thanks in advance,

GrumpyOne - 1/9/09 at 08:39 AM

Don't know who you are, but if you are too old and too tall you are my kind of guy

Your link is not working, might be overloaded, I'll try again later.

Good luck, I hope you win.

trextr7monkey - 1/9/09 at 08:55 AM

yer 504 gateway time out message keeps popping up, will try my 2 votes later

good luck

Worked Ok at 4.45pm for 2 addresses, will validate work e mail tomorrow

[Edited on 1/9/09 by trextr7monkey]

speedyxjs - 1/9/09 at 09:10 AM


Richard Quinn - 1/9/09 at 09:19 AM

2 aliases at home and 3 for work. All done! (despite you being too old at 24! Makes me feel really good about myself at 43! Must go, have to shuffle off to the toilet again!)

GrumpyOne - 1/9/09 at 09:23 AM

My two done.

Too old, you are only 24 next you'll be telling me you are only 5' 6"

simes43 - 1/9/09 at 09:53 AM

Simon Wood is currently the 30931th most popular driver at Driver Database

96 places down on yesterday and no fans.

You have my vote Matt

[Edited on 1/9/09 by simes43]

miikae - 1/9/09 at 10:00 AM

You have got my votes too Matt , best of luck to you too.


200mph - 1/9/09 at 10:23 AM

5 votes from me - best of luck!!

big-vee-twin - 1/9/09 at 10:57 AM

Voted too, good luck

Gergely - 1/9/09 at 03:00 PM

Voted, too, Good luck Matt!

motodb82 - 1/9/09 at 07:20 PM

Hi Matt just done my vote.
Good luck at Oulton Park at the week end.

ironside - 2/9/09 at 08:09 AM

Mine too

TimC - 2/9/09 at 08:55 AM

Done - If you drop back down the pack and let me pass then that would be adaquate to show your gratitude.

viparacing - 8/9/09 at 08:09 PM

mine too Matt - will keep my fingers crossed for you.

TMC Motorsport - 9/9/09 at 12:55 PM

Thanks everyone!
Unfortunately they have decided not to publish ongoing votes, rather just announce the winners at the end, so I have little idea of how I'm getting on.
All I know is that for the first 2 days I had the 10th most visitors to my profile out of any drivers on the site, so that bodes well!
If anyone else can vote, I would be extremely grateful, or if you could pass the details onto friends and family that would be massively appreciated!

Thanks again everyone, please keep going!


[Edited on 9/9/09 by TMC Motorsport]