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Indy R bodywork questions
Sven - 10/3/11 at 05:49 AM

I have a couple questions relating to bodywork mounting for my Indy R:

- The rear of the side panels meet up with the rear panel in a strange way. Does one just trim the pointy piece and cover the gap with the rear fenders?

- The front of the bodywork around the nose cone is a little weird in that the top of the nose cone only lines up with the top tubes at both sides of the the rear of the nose cone. Do one typically mount it there and build a bracket for the lower front of the nose cone? The nose cone also bows out at the sides and the side panels don't. Do I just ignore that?

- The bottom front of the side panels under the nose cone don't seem to be supported and I imagine a strong wind (like hauling arse, for example) would make the vibrate or flap about and break off. Again, do you guys typically support those areas too with a bracket back to the frame?


Flamez - 10/3/11 at 07:34 AM

Atthe front you will need to trim the side panels to allow the wishbones and steering arem through. Trim to front edge of chassis. Mount nose cone to top rail if chassis.

With the rear i think your explanation is ok.

JeffJeffers - 10/3/11 at 09:05 AM

MK trim a wedge out of the bottom of the side panels so they meet the cone better. Then pop rivet an 'L' shaped bracket to hold it in place. I haven't got as far as fitting my side panels yet but I did take some pictures last time I was at MK.

panel fitting
panel fitting

I might be able to find some more if you need them.

JeffJeffers - 10/3/11 at 09:21 AM

Again not mine but you can see how it looks fitted.

I stumbled across this build diary the other day that is really good LINKY. The link is from where he fits the bodywork but it is worth starting at the begining and give it a read.

nose cone fitted
nose cone fitted

Sven - 11/3/11 at 06:16 AM

Thanks. My bodywork doesn't fit as nicely as that last picture but the L bracket makes a lot of sense. I'll stare at it some more.


Toprivetguns - 15/3/11 at 08:36 PM

Is this What I should be expecting from my MK INDY R ? That nose cone to body panel looks like a very poor fit.

JeffJeffers - 15/3/11 at 09:11 PM

I have only test fitted mine but it did look alot like sven.

I don't think it will be a 2 min job to fit.

Davegtst - 15/3/11 at 09:29 PM

Originally posted by Toprivetguns
Is this What I should be expecting from my MK INDY R ? That nose cone to body panel looks like a very poor fit.

I was thinking it didn't look too bad. Mine was alot worse.