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ZX9 or ZX9R?
Crazy Jay - 27/3/04 at 05:01 PM

Will be gettin a bike engine soon and just wanted to clear something up. Is there a difference between a ZX9 and a ZX9R? Thought tht people just dropped the R as in the Ferrari -->(F)<-- 355. Cheers lads

alister667 - 27/3/04 at 06:53 PM

Just be careful what year you get apparently the earlier Kwaks can drop 4th gear when subjected to car levels of abuse. I've heard of that happening to a couple of folks. Some of the other Kwak builders will have more info no doubt.
Make sure you've done all your homework whichever engine you get.

timcrasher - 27/3/04 at 06:57 PM

Hi Jay,
The earlier models were referd to as the ZX9 ( B models, Pre 1998 ), and the engines were based on the ZX7 and ZZR1100.
The ZX9R range was launched in 1998 to compete with the R1. Its engine is alot lighter and more compact and uses more modern technology in its design.
The earlier models are still good lumps though and should be fairly cheap to to get hold of.
Hope this helps
Cheers Tim

Jasper - 28/3/04 at 09:48 AM

If I was doing it again I would use a ZX9R E engine, the latest one from 2000 +, as it does have the stronger gearbox. I've bust one 4th on my ZX9R C engine already!

Apart from that it's a great engine

highspeeddirt - 28/3/04 at 05:41 PM

Isn't it possible to fit the E gearbox internals to a C engine? I seem to remember reading someone saying this on the Yahoo BEC group.


Crazy Jay - 28/3/04 at 06:05 PM

Cheers lads, think i'll still stick with the R1 tho.