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Blade Oil pickup
catflap - 29/3/04 at 11:47 PM

Hay yall, thought id post here to ask a question

Just replaced my sump after having CrisG sort his mod out, looks ace by the way.

The oil pickup was quite loose, in fact it came out with very little effort, i replaced it the same way (cleaned it up) and just pushed it back in (correctly) although im worried that it is so loose it will fall out while driving?

Is this possible? surly it cant just be that little rubber o ring that keeps it in? or does it brace against the sump in some way?

Thanks all

timcrasher - 30/3/04 at 06:38 AM

Hi mate
You should always replace the oil pickup seal when you remove the pickup for whatever reason. It doesn't just help to hold the pickup in, it seals out any air leaks as well.
when you car is thrashing along the road doing 11,000 rpm you don't want little air bubbles in it.
The sump normally provides the support for the pickup, the seal has its own job.
cheers Tim