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New boy questions
Davegtst - 25/9/09 at 08:50 AM

Hi everyone, i'm new here.
I'm in the process of deciding which kit i want to build and could use some of your input. I really like the idea of a BEC And have been looking at The MK indy, Mac#1 and Tiger avon. From looking through this site the Avon seems to be the worst of the 3, what would you reccomend i go for? I have never built a kit before but i have been a mechanic for 12 years so i'm confidant i won't have too much trouble. I hope to be going to the show in Exeter so hopefully i'll get a better understanding then.
Thanks Dave

Mr Whippy - 25/9/09 at 08:53 AM


You say you like the idea of a BEC but what is it you like about them? Is the car for the road or track? I’d suggest you blag a ride in a few cars with different engines before you make your mind up.

Ben_Copeland - 25/9/09 at 08:55 AM

Definately have a look at some shows.... their all very similar, but the stylings different. I'm not keen on some of the kits cos they look 'odd'.

Also if you a big frame it's worth checking you can fit lol

Definately check whether you actually want a BEC because a few people have been changing back recently !

deezee - 25/9/09 at 08:58 AM

Having just read the post about bi22le crashing his Mac 1.... I'd get a Mac1. Motorway speed accident and he walked away. That says a LOT about the quality and engineering of the car.

cd.thomson - 25/9/09 at 09:02 AM

it doesnt say anything about the other cars though unless we setup some kind of experiment with a tintop control group and various kits travelling at set speeds into a barrier

I'm not sure thats a way to judge!

omega0684 - 25/9/09 at 09:05 AM

out of the three i would definately go with either MK or MNR. i have seen both up close and had a ride in both as well. Both kits are very nice, personally i think its a difficult decision to pick between the two. i would say its down to personal preference.

i would also agree with comments already stated, before choosing a kit get to a show and ask if you can have a sit in the different cars, to get a good understanding on driving position comfort etc and then see if anyone will take you out for a short blat.

personally im a CEC man,the car car be driven more casually and comfortably than BEC's i think, i do like the 'whale' of a BEC as its flying threw the gears but to me it just seems that the engine and driver seem to be absolutely mental all the time!

Gav - 25/9/09 at 09:11 AM

As above i would make sure its really a BEC you want.
I have just got my scratch built BEC OTR after 4 years.

When i started building it i thought thats really what i wanted and i had never been in any.
Now its OTR its everything thing i could of hoped for
But there is this little part of me nagging away thinking it might be slightly easier to live with if i had a car engine.

[Edited on 25/9/09 by Gav]

t16turbotone - 25/9/09 at 09:28 AM

i can only 'mirror' what the other lads say- i have driven a mates 'blackbird' engined 7 and it is breathtaking quick through the gears and a brilliant car. However they do require a more mental style of driving and its fair to say the car has had quite a few clutch, gearbox problems and spends quite a lot of time in bits.

Coose - 25/9/09 at 09:41 AM

My R1 Striker was awesome and took me all over the country with ease. The only glitches I had would have occurred with a CEC too.

If you want to bimble you can, if you really do wat to sit on a motorway you can do that too (but why would you - buy a nice Mondeo instead!). But, chuck it at a track and it takes a VERY special CEC or a not-so-special one driven very, very well to keep pace......

(And that was without changing anything on my Striker when on-track - just rocking up and playing!)

Richard Quinn - 25/9/09 at 09:44 AM

Now, I have to disagree a little here. Ok my BEC doesn't have one of the "usual suspect" engines but I find it quite easy to drive sensibly and around time. I have spent a bit of time working out clutch throw and feel so it is not a hair trigger etc. Yes, it still "clonks" through the gears like a bike engine but the only thing that I really would change if doing it again would be to include a reverse (which I would have to now for IVA anyway).
I think some of it is a mindset thing. I've got 14,000 rpm available so I'm going to use them sort of thing!

Davey D - 25/9/09 at 10:28 AM

Have to agree with above. Ive got an R1 engined car, and i can happily cruise along in a quiet, and civilised manner. the only thing you will still get being a bec is the clonky gear change at lowers speeds. You have a sequential box, which can be setup as paddle shift meaning you dont have to take your hands off the steering wheel, but if your doing a lot of town driving with traffic you can be up, and down the box alot, where with a manual car engined box you can change to a lower gear much easier with block changes :-)

Each choice has its pro's, and Con's. I keep thinking if i do it again id like to try a Supercharged Duratec engine with 6 speed MX5 box, as im always worrying about the durability of the bike engine. It is a great feeling screaming upto 13000 RPM though

Davegtst - 25/9/09 at 10:48 AM

Ohhh, lots of quick replys. I would love to have a go in a BEC and CEC just to see the difference. The main reasons i wanted a BEC was the noise, revs, sequential box and to have something a bit different. It will be mainly used on the road with a few trackdays a year but i would only be using it as a bit of fun and not a daily driver. Basically i want to be scared stupid by it.

If you were to put 2 MK's next to each other one with say a 2.0 zetec and one with a fireblade how would they compare?

[Edited on 25/9/09 by Davegtst]

welderman - 25/9/09 at 10:50 AM

If your after a passenger ride, maybe change your profile to your location


Davegtst - 25/9/09 at 11:08 AM

Wasn't fishing for a passenger ride but i've changed it anyway, cheers Joe. My idea was to build the lightest i possibly could which is another reason for a BEC.

Gergely - 25/9/09 at 11:36 AM

BEC is great, we have an MNR with R1, too. But it is great for trackwork or quick blasts (scary and noisy). But, you can't get anywhere near their limits on the public road... safely anyway...
Plus, covering distances in them is not the best. You wouldn't want to travel far driving more than 60-70 miles an hour, above that the engine noise is tiring and you can't help thinking if it is good for the engine to constantly rev at 8-9.000 rpm...
So if you want a tourer, cover distances, take your other half with you, but still have a quick car, I would go CEC. For track and quick Sunday blasts, a BEC is great.
A good CEC and BEC would give you similar speeds, but in a different way...
Check out the MNR's, too...

Breaker - 25/9/09 at 01:15 PM

Hello, I'am also in the starting phase of building. Last week I visited MK and the MK Spec R looks great to me (especially with full roll cage). The only thing I'm still doubting is CEC or BEC. But the balance is more and more tilting towards BEC; noise,high RPM, flappy paddles, sequential gearshift,....

You can always get a CEC when you're old(er)

speedyxjs - 25/9/09 at 01:41 PM

I suggest plonk a Jag engine in.

Use the linky in my siq to see why

[Edited on 25-9-09 by speedyxjs]

phoenix70 - 25/9/09 at 01:51 PM

Just to put my 2 penny's worth in. Just remember these days with IVA, you do need a reverse gear, so thats an additional cost you will incur. I've driven both BEC and CEC cars, and both have there good point, and bad points, it is really down to personal choice.

I went down the CEC route for one simple reason, it was cheaper.

BenB - 25/9/09 at 02:04 PM

Of course you can use a big torquey bike engine with a sequential box Like a V4.... Reverse for IVA is a bit of a bugger though with BECs...

adithorp - 25/9/09 at 02:11 PM

If you think you want a BEC then get a ride in one and then you'll KNOW you want a BEC.

The engines are built to do high revs so don't worry about that and if you want to cover long distances it's things like windscreens and side screens that make it comfortable not the engine. I've done a few long trips in mine (450 miles in one day) and it wasn't a lot harder than in a tin-top and bit's of it were a lot more fun. If you want comfort and quiet get a Mondeo!


mac1ZR - 25/9/09 at 04:14 PM

Dave, have a ride up to Nottingham, we have a choice of 2 Mac#1 ZX10 BEC s that you can have a ride in, that will make your mind up!

Hellfire - 25/9/09 at 05:12 PM

BEC all the way and don't let the CEC boys convince you otherwise. You've already made the right choice of engine and the choice of kit is up to you. To give you some idea of how an Indy goes together, have a read of our build and rebuild diaries........


Davegtst - 26/9/09 at 08:37 AM

Thanks for all your help, your answers kind of confirm that i want a BEC. I'm not really bothered about touring and long distances (have an Alfa for that) just want a very quick toy.
mac1ZR thanks for you kind offer, i may take you up on it but i'm away on holiday for a few weeks soon so it would have to be sometime in November
Now all i have to do is find the right kit. What is the best in terms of bodywork fitting?