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IVA results
ashg - 19/2/10 at 07:23 PM

what a long day. left home at 7am test started at 8AM finished at 5PM

She failed but the day was very positive and very friendly. there wasn't really any bad items so should only take a day or two to rectify. Andy the tester was a good laugh but went to the book by the letter which i must applaud. he knew what he was doing inside out and offered some really good advice.

here are the fail points

1.) Noise was 106db at 3700rpm

2.) i need a convex glass in the passenger mirror as the tester had to move his head too much to get the full range of view in that mirror

3.) my t pieces for the brake system were bolted to the chassis using riv nuts. this was deemed unacceptable as there is no locking device. i was advised to drill straight through the tube and use a bolt and nyloc nut on the end. all fixings/items on brake related systems must have a licking device!

4.) my roll bar back stays only had one bolt securing them. they either needed to be welded or have a minimum of two bolts.

5.) heat shrink and glued on rubber is deemed unacceptable for iva. any covering used must be equivalent to something a mass manufacturer would use. this meant i had to remove the heat shrink off the track rod ends which then failed (it was suggested that i used a caterham type item to cover these.)

6.) my universal joint on the steering was too close to the bulk head bearing meaning the collapsible mechanism wouldn't work adequately in an accident.

7.) speedo was out but was aloud to alter it at the time so it is now spot on.

8.) headlights were out but dogwood was aloud to align them for me whilst i sat in the car.

9.) side indicators failed. not because of their position it was because they had the wrong e mark. the emark they had were for side markers not side indicators. the difference is that side markers have a lot narrower range of visibility than side indicators. you could see them from the back but the light emitted was not strong enough in the required direction.

think that was about it

good news bits

the shocks passed fine even without the rubber boots.

brakes were spot on

self centring was perfect (andy the tester commented that it was very very good for a 7!)

car weighed in at 620kg with full 25l tank and 115kg driver. take driver and fuel off and that's 480kg

emissions were fantastic infact miles under the limit.

Over the course of the day andy gave me lots of fantastic advice on passing the iva. i will do a full write up of all the tips in ckc. it was obvious he was really into his cars and really knew his stuff. all the points he made were fair and well deserved.

it was a good day out very educational and the car was bloody amazing beyond belief to drive. the whole journey there and back the car was totally spot on and didnt miss a single beat

and last of all i must say a really really really big thank you to dave (dogwood) he has slogged his guts out all week helping me and i must say i really couldn't have done it without him and my fail list would have been double the length. he certainly wont be buying any beers or food at stoneleigh this year!!

[Edited on 19/2/10 by ashg]

RichardK - 19/2/10 at 07:29 PM

Good fail fella, sounds like sva would have been a walk in the park for you!

As you say fairly easy fixes and should deffo pass next time.

See you at Stoneleigh!

Take care


Miks15 - 19/2/10 at 07:30 PM

Sounds like an OK fail,

With regards to the brake Tee piece, do you mean drill all the way through the chassis, and then bolt through the tpiece with a nyloc nut? Just because at the minute mine is only on with a rivnut and a bolt like yours.

Would some threadlock not be sufficient?

big_wasa - 19/2/10 at 07:33 PM

6.) my universal joint on the steering was too close to the bulk head bearing meaning the collapsible mechanism wouldn't work adequately in an accident.

can i ask what distance he wanted as mine is close-ish.

Not to bad then, does sound like they go over it much more than sva.

ReMan - 19/2/10 at 07:33 PM

8-5 Bloody hell!
Still as you say a good tresult, so well done.
Brake pipe t pice fixing seems a bit harsh though, gonsidering plastic clips are used on "production vehicle" to hold brake pipes etc!
Good work

MikeR - 19/2/10 at 07:35 PM

Well done - please write up the test, i'd love to read it.

Shocked it took all day though. Was it because he knew you'd be writing it up, he had to keep referencing things or do you think all IVA tests will take that long now?

franky - 19/2/10 at 07:35 PM

Well done.... Are these the track rod end covers you say you need?

can you post pics of what you did do? I would have thought what you did was fine, thats what I was going to do!

speedyxjs - 19/2/10 at 07:48 PM

Thats a good fail imo.

Im glad you said about rivnutting the t peices as that how mine are currently fitted.

ETA - Are your seat belt mounts part of the roll bar? Mine are and im not sure whether to fit back stays (bit of a grey area i think)

[Edited on 19-2-10 by speedyxjs]

dhutch - 19/2/10 at 07:49 PM

Cracking job!

se7en - 19/2/10 at 08:39 PM

Originally posted by ReMan
8-5 Bloody hell!
Still as you say a good tresult, so well done.
Brake pipe t pice fixing seems a bit harsh though, gonsidering plastic clips are used on "production vehicle" to hold brake pipes etc!
Good work

I have seen several 'production vehicles' with NOTHING holding them, they were not fastened to the body at all.

I can't see why they would fail the rivnut if it was spot welded to the chassis. Alternatively one could weld a bolt to the chassis and hold the T-piece with a washer and nyloc.

Daddylonglegs - 19/2/10 at 09:08 PM

Well done mate

I'm sure you'll soon sort the minor issues.

I'm another one who's rivnutted the T-pieces in

Also a bit nervous about the UJ being too close to the bulkhead. Be interested to know how close yours is.

Well done though.

ashg - 19/2/10 at 09:26 PM

i had about 2mm between mine i would think 30-40mm would be what he was looking for. its my own fault as i did think about changing it then thought it would be ok as i didn't want to pay out for a new intermediate shaft.

because he could wobble the t-piece slightly by wobbleing the brake hose it was un-acceptable this was totally due to the riv nut which was properly put in but still seemed to flex (m8 steel rivnut btw so it wasnt a crap one). not really an issue to rectify its a simple fix to drill right through and put a bolt and nyloc on it. and will save all you guys getting a fail for it

ashg - 19/2/10 at 09:36 PM

frankey its not the one you suggested its the dildo looking ones out on the far edges either side in this picture. they are basically electrical glands. at first they wasn't deemed to be acceptable but caterham have pushed them and got it officially approved. you dont want to glue them on as the inspector needs to get them off to inspect the lock nut so make sure they are a good fit but wont fall off.

[Edited on 19/2/10 by ashg]

[Edited on 19/2/10 by ashg]

Simon - 19/2/10 at 09:40 PM

9 hours for an IVA - what a farce. My SVA took about 2 hours and that was all it needed. Still, if Gordo's that desperate....


Well done anyway - what's this about backstays and the number of bolts - tell him to look at most prod convertibles - the roll bar is purely for decoration!



Daddylonglegs - 19/2/10 at 09:42 PM

Cheers chap, panic over, mines probably around 60-70mm away

Gonna do the T-piece thing though, after all it's only 3 to do on mine.

Toltec - 19/2/10 at 09:44 PM

I wonder if you could get away with rivet studs?

Use those and you can put a nyloc on the end.

big_wasa - 19/2/10 at 10:01 PM

Cheers I think mine is a good 40mm

whitestu - 19/2/10 at 10:18 PM

well done - Good fail!


1.) Noise was 106db at 3700rpm

That's quite loud! What exhaust have you got on it.


Blackbird Rush - 19/2/10 at 10:24 PM

Another one rivnuted the brake t-piece, couldn't you just fit a locking spring washer between the bolt head and the t-piece?

Can you get the caterham bonnet catch covers seperatly? (2 types shown in the caterham SVA kit) As i'm going to have to cover my bonnet catches somehow....

Ash T.

ashg - 19/2/10 at 11:02 PM

i got the exhaust off blackcab on here he sold it to me because he didnt think it was loud enough lol

dont know who made it but i recall that it was made for an indy

dan8400 - 19/2/10 at 11:23 PM

Well done. Good fail. Should all be dead easy to put right and then on the road. Great stuff


rgrs - 20/2/10 at 08:02 AM

Did Andy suggest that he might accept perhaps thread lock as a secondary locking on the rivnut ?


rickys2000 - 20/2/10 at 09:58 AM

Well done not too much to do... then the wide open roads await!

I find it strange that there is an IVA standard set of VOSA rules that are totally open to intepretation. My car passed at Edmonton in December with rivnuts for the T piece mounts and heatshrink with electrical glands over the trackrods. Confused as the inspector said it was one of the better ones he had seen!!

franky - 20/2/10 at 10:24 AM

Seems slightly like the tester was 'playing to camera' if its going in a mag?

ashg - 20/2/10 at 11:33 AM

at the end of the day the rules will always be at the interpretation of the tester. I questioned him on a couple of things and he quite happily got the other tester over for a second opinion. on one bit they actually called head office to speak to the blokes that wrote the manual to clarify a point!

so yes the rules are open to interpretation but if you explain your interpretation of said rule its not completely closed for discussion. they are reasonable people and will take on board your comments if they are valid, can be proved correct / safe.

maybe people have passed with rivnuts it doesnt really matter to me as i failed for them.

what i will say is although the bolt was done up tight mine were wobbly which is why it failed. it wasnt "playing up to the camera". they wasn't right simple as that.

if yours don't wobble and are tight with lock tight on them, then maybe they could pass. if they wobble then they will certainly fail. its your call at the end of the day.

the suggestion to drill right through and put a nut and bolt through is defiantly a much more secure way of doing it as it can be torqued up much tighter than a riv nut. it also shows that the tester does care and wants you to pass.

at the end of the day if something isnt right and they can suggest a better way of doing something to bring it up to standard then they will. we are all human and we cant be perfect all the time.

you have to remember they don't make the rules they just apply them, its not personal. im sure there are rules they probably don't like just like us but it doesn't change the fact that they have to apply them.

[Edited on 22/2/10 by ashg]