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SVA today at Bristol
Berwyn - 20/8/04 at 04:06 PM

And it failed!!

Nothing too serious though.
Washers need fitting to seat mounting bolts
Ignition key protrudes more than 9.5mm from dash.
Mirrors need radius on edge (SPA mirrors!)(£300.00!).

Steering wheel dome head screws failed (?)
Exchange standard nuts for Nylocs in 6 places.
Speedo went nuts after 50mph, so he could not test 55 and 70mph.

The guy (Bob) was flipping great !. I was worried about the emissions as it had previously failed at MOT, but Bob let me fiddle with the carbs during the test as they were still too high. When they were borderline, he said, "I'll go and get my special PASSING probe" he poked the new probe up the pipe and it flew threw!

So a couple of things to do, and back for a retest.

[Edited on 20/8/04 by Berwyn]

scoobyis2cool - 20/8/04 at 04:36 PM

Did I read that right? You paid £300 for mirrors?!

For that kind of money I'd expect them to double as wings so i could fly over traffic jams


PS Bad luck on the fail, doesn't sound too difficult to fix, when is the retest?

[Edited on 20/8/04 by scoobyis2cool]

Berwyn - 20/8/04 at 04:57 PM

well next week is out as im off to the states for work, so i'll do the work the following week, so the retest will probably be the week after that. The mirrors were flippin expensive but look the dogs nuts, so when they failed i was not impressed !

scoobyis2cool - 20/8/04 at 05:22 PM

Did the inspector say anything about the dash radius? I need to use padding to sort the bottom edge of mine out, where did you get yours from? Is it permanent or of the fall-off-after-sva variety?


Berwyn - 20/8/04 at 06:28 PM

The dash is the MDF type with foam and vinyl covering, so no it wont come off. He was happy with the radius, but mentioned that where i had used foam tape only on the headlight bar, this would fail as it would not last 10 years. He said anything on the car has to last look as though it will last 10 years, and foam tape, insulation tape and alike would fail will not and hence fail. So be careful what you use.

andyps - 20/8/04 at 08:46 PM

Sorry to hear about the fail - not too bad though. Have you got a picture of the mirrors - I want to know what something so small that costs more than Ron reckons you can build a car for look like

Berwyn - 21/8/04 at 02:06 PM

Just incase it is taken the wrong way, Bobs special passing probe was one that didnt have any residue water in the pipe and therefore gave a more accurate reading. . I expect they alternate the probes regulary for this very reason.

bob - 23/8/04 at 08:06 AM


I'd say that was a nice fail except mirriors(ouch),soon be on the road then.

Not sure i understand the part where things should look as if they will last 10 years though,slam the door on a majority of new cars and something will fall off.