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Slippery floor with wet feet
jon200 - 24/8/13 at 08:19 PM

Last time I drove mine it was a bit damp and I found it hard keeping my heel in a comfy position. It kept slipping on the bare ally. I solved this by throwing an old rear car mat in the foot well but it looks naff. People have said carpet isn't a good idea as it gets wet etc. I was thinking of sticking some to marine ply so it can come out easily? If thats no good then what other options are there? It will be winter by the time it's on the road

ReMan - 24/8/13 at 08:23 PM

Drop some chequer plate or other pattern ally over it

Slimy38 - 24/8/13 at 08:28 PM

Use a rubber instead of carpet mat?

chaddy44 - 24/8/13 at 08:37 PM

try grip tape as used on stunt scooters and skate boards its self adheasive
there's loads on e-bay and its cheap :-)

bi22le - 24/8/13 at 09:02 PM

I have grip tape on my pedals and floor.

bi22le - 24/8/13 at 09:03 PM

Forgot to mention that it ruins the back of your trainers. I mainly use race boots now for this reason.

jon200 - 24/8/13 at 09:45 PM

I wear my trainers out quick enough as it is!

Does rubber offer more grip then?

loggyboy - 24/8/13 at 10:19 PM

rubber would be my choice.


Fred W B - 25/8/13 at 04:10 PM

Rivit a bit of ally angle across the footwell at the right place for your heels to bear against.


Fred W B