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My Guillotine and Folder on eBay
907 - 15/4/09 at 08:20 PM


Hi All.

My trusty old gilly and folder are up for grabs on eBay at the moment due to upgrades.
I found out where the wife stashes the cash she was saving up for a new carpet.

Ebay numbers:- 200331939593 (gilly) and 200331953416 (folder)

Sorry but I can't do links.

Paul G

mistergrumpy - 15/4/09 at 08:22 PM


907 - 15/4/09 at 08:24 PM

Cheers Mr G

Paul G

garage19 - 16/4/09 at 08:11 AM

Paul I know it says 14 swg (2mm) for ally sheet but would it cut 3mm 1050 ally sheet in short widths of say 200 mm?

907 - 16/4/09 at 03:43 PM

Hi Doug

On the plus side, it cut 3mm half hard pure aluminium, 250 long.

On the minus side, I did jump up & down on the treadle bar.

On the plus side, or maybe the minus, I do weigh 16 stone.

It would have cut it no problem with a little more weight. Where's the wife when you need her?

Paul G Rescued attachment 3mm-ally.jpg
Rescued attachment 3mm-ally.jpg

garage19 - 16/4/09 at 07:09 PM

I'm 15st and can jump pretty high. Bid placed.

Thanks for doing that test Paul.

907 - 16/4/09 at 08:21 PM

Originally posted by garage19
I'm 15st and can jump pretty high. Bid placed.

Thanks for doing that test Paul.

Hold a bag of spuds under one arm.

Cheers mate and good luck

Paul G