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Weber 45 carb brass float wanted!!
gregf27 - 31/12/07 at 10:11 PM

I have been stripping and rebuilding my twin 45's today and found that the brass fuel float has holed in one of the carbs , and when I shake it - I can hear the fuel sloshing about inside!!

The Weber haynes book recommends you ditch em , rather than attempt a repair!!

Long shot I know, but has anyone got a spare???
the bay of E , only have the new plastic type , and then you have to mess about with the float settings!!!

can anyone help me out??

gttztt - 31/12/07 at 11:32 PM

It takes a bit of time but you can repair it yourself. It is best to do this outside!
First dip the float in a bowl of hot water to identify the hole position from the trail of bubbles. You need to vent the chamber by vapourising the petrol. I poured hot water over the float and tipped it upside down.
The hot air inside expands and squirts the petrol out. Keep doing this till you are sure there is no more petrol vapour inside. Check to make sure then check again!
Clean the hole area and apply some non acidic solder flux. Using an electric Soldering Iron (30W) solder the hole up.
Check the repair is good by plunging it into a bowl of hot water . If it is done right there will be no bubbles - Sorted!

Mr Whippy - 1/1/08 at 12:35 AM

as above, not the end of the world at all. A very common problem and easy fixed.

gregf27 - 1/1/08 at 09:49 AM

cheers guys, will have a look today

gazza285 - 1/1/08 at 01:32 PM

Originally posted by gregf27
the bay of E , only have the new plastic type , and then you have to mess about with the float settings!!!

If you get a new float of any description the float height will need setting.

gregf27 - 1/1/08 at 06:03 PM

All sorted now!!!
in true locost fashion

drained the petrol out , re soldered the hole, re did the float level, and finished off rebuilding the carb!!!
cheers guys