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Bob da builder - 4/12/04 at 08:19 PM

hey up

does anybody have any first hand experiance with the sandblastes for sale in machine mart that run on compressed air as i was thinking of getting one to strip down a triumph chassis. but dont realy want to waste my money if they are as useless as chocolate tea pots!!!



Peteff - 4/12/04 at 08:29 PM

If you mean the ones that look like a pressure pot on legs you need a massive fad to power them. My mate used to run one of an ex gas board van with a built in compressor and I think anything smaller would struggle.

Mark Allanson - 4/12/04 at 08:48 PM

I have a suction cup one (looks like a spray gun). Its fine for small stuff, but I think a chassis would be beyond it. It would also work out expensive on grit too, a cup lasts about 30 seconds

wilkingj - 4/12/04 at 08:49 PM

I built a cabinet tyrp sand blaster.
£25 for the metal, and £25 for a clarke sandblasting gun.
It makes my 14CFM (3 HP motor) 150L tank, run almost continuously.
I chose to make a big cabinet 700mm Cube. the otherones like the Pot type, shove the blasting medium everywhere.
You will need an Air fed mask with filter as you do NOT want to breathe in all that dust, rust, sarbon, silica, and everything else.. I assume you want to keep breathing through a decent set of lungs!!

As PeteF says... you want a Mega compressor. preferable a 3 phase job to keep up with the blasting.

Take it to a blasting shop... it will cost less than all the kit and is more healthy for you.

Organise it so you can pick up the cleaned chassis, and take it to a paint shop or paint it the same day (or Galv it!).

My little blater is great for small items, but a whole chassis?... not big enough for


My Locost Blaster

[Edited on 4/12/2004 by wilkingj]

Bob da builder - 5/12/04 at 09:25 PM

cheers for the info guys, i will take your advice and get it done by a pro with all the gear!! and i like the idea of galvanising it!! stop my spitfire chassis rotting before my eyes!!!

take it esay


krlthms - 6/12/04 at 01:23 AM

Bob: Look at Kimini's site from this forum:
In his last progress posting, he has some nice pictures of the process of sandblasting a chassis.

Wilkinsj: Would you want to sandblast a chassis if you are going to galvanize it? Acid clean?
