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Green Laning
Flamez - 6/8/10 at 09:02 AM

Taken near home with my Canon 7D ad 24-105L lens cabled tied to the roll bar

Green Lanes

Green lanes
Green lanes

Yes the speedo is reading 0, the bracket broke another thing on my Winter to do list although I drive better on track without it...

Hope you like

Jomibo - 6/8/10 at 09:10 AM

Thats a great shot. Might have to have a play with my camera I used to use on my bike. Should take some good shots strapped to the roll bar.

tomgregory2000 - 6/8/10 at 09:17 AM

you got me excited about some good 4x4 off road lanes, but wicked photo

02GF74 - 6/8/10 at 12:25 PM

it's all blurry try a faster shutter speed or slow the earth down, with a pinto anchor or two.

dan8400 - 6/8/10 at 01:27 PM


lol two rows of fire behind you??


Red16 - 7/8/10 at 06:57 PM

Nice shot... I like that!

Steve Hignett - 7/8/10 at 08:18 PM

Originally posted by tomgregory2000
you got me excited about some good 4x4 off road lanes, but wicked photo

I must be getting old, 'cos that's what I was hoping for too!!!