just visited mark and col today they are now in posesion of a compact and besue unit just round the corner from the old site. they were mid way through constructing the new richard hammond suite ( same as the james may suite only smaller) and it appears as though things are slowly returning to some sort of normality theres still alot of work to do but there is light at the end of the tunnel
Sounds good - hope they are up and running again soon.
Just one thing - what is a "besue unit"?
Oi fink 'ee wuz troyin' ter say bijou an' got 'is Franglais muxed ip!
This is fantastic news and means that i will be okay for my pickup in November. i take it i can now un-cross my fingers.
Do I need to bring coffee with me or has a newer and small coffee machine been installed?
Mark enjoyed the parcel of aid he received recently (containing coffe) so I'd take some with you just incase
Watch out, it's usually a train coming the other way . Good luck and carry on regardless.