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HELP! Broken Dellorto
ash_hammond - 7/10/06 at 04:34 PM


About 30 minutes ago my world seem to crash!

I was fitting my new dellorto carbs, when i heard a crack from underneath. One of the carbs cracked where the studs fit.

Is a clean break, never the less it cracked clean off and now impossible to fit.

Does anyone think with the aid of a specialist welder this could be made good again? or it is time to give the insurance company a call and claim on my builders ins.



SeaBass - 7/10/06 at 04:57 PM

Ouch.. I think carbs are an alloy of aluminium & zinc maybe as they are diecast. I've seen demos of Lumiweld etc repairing carb lugs before. Might be worth a try.

Frost Restoration Products stock it - you'll need a blowtorch though.

[Edited on 7/10/06 by SeaBass]

ch1ll1 - 7/10/06 at 06:22 PM

i feel for you.
sorry to here that

ash_hammond - 7/10/06 at 07:11 PM

I think my plan is as follows,

i have spoken to a friend who is a welder by trade and he says that it looks like a zinc cast and could be welded but it would not be very clever.

Having heard this news i am going to see if i can buy a body from a reseller and transfer all the rest of the bits over. Or from ebay.

All i can say is... I am gutted, seems like a big kick in the bo11ocks



zetec7 - 7/10/06 at 07:11 PM

I had a Weber 40 DCOE once with exactly the same problem - an aluminium welder fixed it for me, and it worked a treat..good as new.

ash_hammond - 7/10/06 at 07:14 PM

I know this is a bit of a finger in the air question but... how much did it cost to get it welded?


Peteff - 7/10/06 at 07:39 PM

Try some silver solder or . We used Lumiweld to fix a lug on a bike frame and it worked.