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My MAC#1 Kit has arrived, let the build begin
Slater - 24/4/07 at 08:23 AM

After a 2 day, 850 mile round trip from Aberdeenshire to MAC#1 my ZR kit is now in the garage. Woooooohooooooo.

I arrived home at midnight last night, unloaded all the smaller boxes myself then woke up the wife and got her to help lift the chassis and engine out of the van. She did not speak much and strangely did not share my enthusiasum.

We had it all unloaded and the van back at the hire place by 1am. I then drank a very large malt whisky to celebrate and went to bed. Although I could not sleep with all the excitment... The seven idea has been 2 1/2 years in the pipeline for me with all the research/planning/persuading the wife etc. and now it's really only just beginning.

Thanks to Richard who turned up at MAC#1 and help load the van, I'm not sure if he offically works there or not????

I dropped off some bits for Ewan on the way up the road so it was good to meet him and see his build.

Oh, thanks Mark and Colin for relieving me of a large sum of money.

WooooooHooooo. I'm off to look in all the boxes and find out what I have let myself in for.......


graememk - 24/4/07 at 08:35 AM

well done mate, you think thats good wait untill you pass your sva, even bigger smile and i havent been able to sleep for the last week

happy building

Mr Whippy - 24/4/07 at 08:53 AM

nice but get the wife involved and don't use the dishwasher to clean parts, makes an awful mess of it.

nib1980 - 24/4/07 at 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
nice but get the wife involved and don't use the dishwasher to clean parts, makes an awful mess of it.

Or use it (dishwasher) when she's away for a couple of days

DarrenW - 24/4/07 at 09:46 AM

Rich doesnt work there but he is there so often im surprised he doesnt pay rent!!!!!!! He is just one of those genuinely good guys you come across every so often.

Good news on the kit. I bet you cant wait to get started. i really enjoyed my build - hope you get the same pleasure out of yours.

worX - 24/4/07 at 10:18 AM

Hi Keith,
I know that feeling very well!
I really enjoyed 99% of my build and I am confident that you will too!
(big)Rich doesn't work there as Darren says above, but he only lives round t'corner so is there "more than most" but a top bloke, and a useful source of knowledge when building these cars, as is Mark and Col! You'll never have called another man so many times as you'll call these guys, and in all those times, all I received was really helpful advice (actually it wasn't all I received - there was a lot of banter and wee taking, and confidence inspiring comments, such as; Just do it!)
I envy you, I think the build is one of the best bits to these projects as a whole, and can't wait for my next one already!!!


scoobyis2cool - 24/4/07 at 10:53 AM

Nice one! It looks like a great kit and the customer service is second to none so I'm sure you'll have a smooth and enjoyable build. Good luck


bigrich - 24/4/07 at 02:08 PM

Hi Keith
good to see you yesterday. I have just got in from my proper job and noticed your post
have you had the oh Flip what have i bought moment yet.
Good luck with the build, i'm sure you will enjoy the process.
just remember all the answers are on the other end of the phone/computer screen

Cheers mate

[Edited on 24/4/07 by bigrich]

Fozzie - 24/4/07 at 10:16 PM


Now......let the fun begin!..... you will most definitely enjoy it!

ATB Fozzie

ewan - 26/4/07 at 06:59 AM

Thanks again for dropping of the dits I was looking for, it saved a trip to Mac 1.

If you stuck with anything come round and I'll do the same.