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3rd Nov
DarrenW - 20/10/07 at 01:14 PM

Not an official meet or anything but does anyone fancy a little get together at Mac#1 on 3rd Nov?? Im itching to have one last decent run out before the weather turns and i simply must sample the Cappucino and latte!!!

If the weather is poor i may postpone as its no fun on the A1 in the wet for 2 hours (i dont fancy repeating the soggy experience of recent times when i went to Boggs!!)

jos - 20/10/07 at 01:36 PM

very possibly yeah

graememk - 20/10/07 at 01:57 PM

if you dont mind an mk indy in the way i wouldnt mind a blast up the A1

mac1ZR - 20/10/07 at 02:19 PM

we usually go anyway so if its dry see you there!

bigrich - 20/10/07 at 03:05 PM

you know me , i'll be there as usual

IanW - 21/10/07 at 10:01 AM

if weather allows i will come along (dont fancy 4 and a half hours each way if its raining), what time will everyone be meeting up?

ash_hammond - 22/10/07 at 04:18 AM

yup i am there.

mac1 - 22/10/07 at 07:37 AM

Baked spuds or BBQ (does that make it official?)


DarrenW - 22/10/07 at 01:55 PM

Ooooh, BBQ would be nice. I guess thats as official as it could be then. Nice one M+C.

Fingers crossed for some dry stuff.

How do these rough / approx / ish times sound.
Arrive 10.30 ish.
Drive out 11.30 ish for an hour ish.
Nibbles 12.30 / 1 ish.

All being well ill have Mookaloid (Mark)with me.

ewan - 23/10/07 at 08:44 AM

I think a better idea would be to drive to Aberdeen and I'll provide the BBQ, that way I can get all the "experts" in MY garage.

Sounds like a great plan

liamb - 24/10/07 at 12:10 PM

Wish I could but apparently my daughter is presenting some flowers to someone otr something at the village hall, I was not really listening but basically I can not make it. Pitty

Have fun.

DarrenW - 25/10/07 at 09:35 PM

At long last i visitted the alter and indulged in a confessional!!!!!!!

OK to be honest it was a Capuccino but still tasted good. Looking forward to 3rd, good weather i on order. Spuds and chilli.... mmmmmmmmmm

Where can we go for a blat?

jos - 31/10/07 at 01:52 PM

I think I'm gonn ahave to pull out of this one sorry

ash_hammond - 1/11/07 at 10:13 AM

Right i will be there, few tweeks to the car and she will be there too, i have not been to the factory since the last time (2 weeks - having withdrawl syptoms).

Darren - i am up for a tootle round the block

DarrenW - 1/11/07 at 10:48 AM

im still on for the trip down. Weather is looking promising too.

Ive no idea what a good blat is around there but hopefully the locals are up for showing us around.

Ill try and get there 10.30 / 11 ish. Mookaloid will also be with me.

Bags eye a run out in Rich's car - ill bring my bravery pants along or should that be a blindfold and change of duds????????

bigrich - 1/11/07 at 11:59 PM

just bring one of your special brave pills Darren you know like the ones Jezza use's on Top Gear

jos - 3/11/07 at 04:49 PM


How did it go???

bigrich - 3/11/07 at 05:32 PM

you'll just have to wait for DW to post

DarrenW - 3/11/07 at 07:01 PM

Im speechless.

Great day. Fantastic catering. Thanks to all.