Hi Guys dipping my toe called Mark and Colin really impressed with them so decided after much research to go for a Mac 1. Decided on a Zx10r engined
Need some help not got a clue a real novice
has anyone got any info ,help, photos etc
anyone close to Essex??
tahnk alot
What's the build manual like with the MAC? I'm building an Indy although it's my first time too but I've founmd easiest thing to
do is to divide everything up into little jobs and then look for answers on here. If you can get the hang of using it the search facility is pretty
good on here too.
You'll find no end of help on here no matter what.
thanks not got that far yet be ordering it in the next few days. I hope its idiot proof lol I have not got a clue. Good luck with the indy.
I can't help with a Mac#1, but if you made your choice my advice would be to visit the manufacturer and if you are ready to place your order, do
it there, so they can advise you. Afterall, they know their products best, people on here mostly have experience with one car and only a couple of
different setups / engines / extras...
My 2p worth...
Good advice above. Plenty of people here to help. I finished my build 2 years ago and am still posting here!.
Take it a bit at a time. Think and measure 10 times, cut / fit once.
Look at other peoples cars, and their photo archives. Even if its not the same make. It will give you ideas and make you think.
At least you are starting off on this list. You will get it built eventually. Also in your planning look at when the SVA ends and becomes the IVA.
It may give you a target to work to. Also no one knows exactly what the rules for IVA will be. Cut over date is early next year. You should do it
easily in that time. But check dates for Last appoinments for SVA etc early on.
Enjoy your building... its fun and you end up with a nice car, that YOU built.
welcome to the froum, i am building my first kit car which is a mk indy, and i look one where for advice a lot, it is a good source of help.
where about in essex are you?
There are quite a few of us on here now who have built cars with ZX10R's so just ask.
If I were to build again (and I will) make a list of everything you need (even if its a few months off) and buy all together. I must have had about
50 packages delivered over the year so god knows what the postage costs were.
Also, buy a load of bubble wrap to keep your GRP panels in. I must have kicked mine over a million times. I didnt bother at the time but now my cars
built it looks a little scratched
All my pics are on there (spec R ZX10R) and Steves MAC1
Good luck.....
Have a read of our build diary. Although it's not a MAC#1, I think you'll find the cars are very similar.
I was a complete novice too when i started and the build experience without a manual made the build the most enjoyable thing i have ever done.
Mark & Colin will always be there to advise and I know of 1 MAC#1 with a ZX10 in it. I'm sure there will be more.
"bigrich" user on here is your man,he's built a very good zx10r mac1,although theres quiet a few of us with the zx10r's fitted to Indys now.
Mine is currently the only zx10r powered MAC#1 on the road but there are 2 others just started and 2 more to supply all using the zx10r. I will honestly say you won't be disapointed.
well done I am sure you will have a great time.
I have documented my build so far if it helps. You can find my blog at either
They both go to same place. If I can help feel free to u2u or email me.
The best advice I can offer as a fellow novice is don't overthink things. There has been times when I have worried about things so much that
progress stops. When this happens I remember my motto for the build 'screw it, just do!'
Best of luck and welcome to the club.
Its ordered zx10r mac 1 worx counting the weeks 11 to go. Thank you everyone you made it happen feel confident ill get much needed help.
Well done Jizz. Good choice.
Build is quite intuitive. When you pick it up take a camera with you. Thats what i did each time i was passing. I found the build quite straight