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Finally On The Road
liamb - 21/10/08 at 03:49 PM

After a few frustrating weeks waiting for all the paperwork to come through, I finally got the car on the road this weekend.

First impressions were relief that it didn't blow up, excitement about the first ride, a little fear and a lot of pride.

There are a fair few things to iron out but all in all it has gone smoothly.

I would just like to thank everyone on Locost who has helped with advice and support over the past year, particularly BigRich who has always been there when I needed steering in the right direction.

Also wanted to say a big thanks to Mark and Colin at MAC#1 who have been outstanding throughout. I cannot recommend their service enough.

I look forward to meeting with some of you at the next MAC#1 open day (or Newark etc) or even out on the open road.

If anyone is interested in my maiden voyage, head on over to and click on the 'blog' link for some youtube action.


liamb - 21/10/08 at 03:53 PM

Almost forgot to post a couple of pictures!

Finished Car
Finished Car

Finished Car 2
Finished Car 2

RoadkillUK - 21/10/08 at 04:10 PM

Well done, now you wanna start the engine and stop pushing it about

liamb - 21/10/08 at 04:23 PM

Yes, should have fitted a reverse gear!!

omega 24 v6 - 21/10/08 at 04:37 PM


Well done, now you wanna start the engine and stop pushing it about

Nice though I like the full cage.

omega0684 - 21/10/08 at 09:08 PM

at what point did you realise that you had picked baby blue as the colour!

bigrich - 21/10/08 at 09:32 PM

Congrats Liam, The DVLA and their mysterious ways Eh!!, glad its sorted and your enjoying the car at last.

it looks great mate and a new plate aswell. can't be bad.

(and thanks for the kind words, really appreciated)

ash_hammond - 22/10/08 at 11:03 AM

Well Done Liamb

Nice Job, I'm liking the full cages...

-- Ash